Tony Jin

Guest Scientist
Sustainable and Bio-inspired Materials
+49 331 567-9233

Main Focus

My current research focus is in the field of biomass-based nanomaterial.

I am particularly interested in:

Chitosan Nanocrystals

  • Studying its intrinsic chemical and morphological structure through advanced materials characterization techniques such as cryo-EM, electron diffraction, X-ray scattering, and nano-IR
  • Measuring the intrinsic birefringence of chitosan nanocrystals as a function of deacetylation
  • Investigating its ability to form a chiral-nematic liquid-crystal

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Tony Jin is a postdoctoral scientist in the Department of Sustainable and Bio-inspired Materials, headed by Prof. Silvia Vignolini, at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces.

Tony went to the University of Alberta for his BSc in chemistry (2014-2018) where his honor’s research project involved studying bioactive borophosphate ceramics using solid-state NMR under Prof. Vlad Michaelis. This is also where he discovered his passion for rock -climbing.

Spurred by his newfound passion for sustainability, the chemistry of materials, and insanely good bouldering gyms, he moved to Montréal (à la belle province) where he conducted his PhD at McGill University in the lab of Prof. Audrey Moores (2018-2023) studying the synthesis, properties, and application of chitosan nanocrystals (ChsNCs), funded by the NSERC PGS-D.

Wanting to test his academic and rock-climbing rigor in Europe, he moved to the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany. As a postdoctoral fellow funded by the NSERC PDF, he is currently studying under Prof. Silvia Vignolini on furthering the understanding of chitosan nanocrystal structure and its photonic and self-assembly properties.


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