Home Research Colloid Chemistry Colloid Chemistry Research Program The “Colloid Chemistry” department deals with the synthesis of various colloidal structures in the nanometre range. [more] Director Awards, Scientific Responsibilities, Scientific Topics [more] Equipment CO2-Laser Engraver/CutterHPLC und HPLC-MSTransmission- and Scanning Electron Microscopy (TEM and SEM) [more] Research Groups 2D-Covalent Thin Films for Energy Storage Dr. Paolo Giusto [more] Old Chemistry for New Advanced Materials Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Markus Antonietti [more] Electron Microscopy Dr. Nadja Tarakina [more] Responsive Soft Materials & Interfaces Dr. Lukas Zeininger [more] Advanced electrolytes for sustainable batteries Dr. Roza Bouchal (Group Leader) [more] Advanced nanoporous carbon electrocatalysts Dr. Mateusz Odziomek [more] SunThesis: Advanced materials for solar-driven fuel synthesis Christian Mark Pelicano, Ph.D. (Project Leader) [more] From Biomass to Humic Matter Systems Alexander Volikov, Giulia Ischia [more] Former Research Groups