Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Markus Antonietti
Curriculum Vitae
Abitur, Rhabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium Mainz
WS 1978/79
Studies of Chemistry and Physics at the University of Mainz
June 1983
Diploma of Chemistry
July 1985
Doctorate of natural sciences (summa cum laude) with Prof. H. Sillescu
July 1985
Hochschulassistent (assistant professor) in Mainz
January 1990
Habilitation in physical chemistry: "Microgels with a special architecture"
February 1991
Hochschuldozent (associate professor) in Mainz
September 1991
Full Professor at the Philipps-Universität in Marburg
October 1993
Director for “Colloid Chemistry” at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Full Professor at the University of Potsdam/Germany
1981 "Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes"
1983 Scholarship of the Funds of the Chemical Industry of Germany
1984 Adolf-Todt-Scholarship
1986 Science Award of the "Freunde der Universität Mainz"
1988 Science Award of the "Böhringer-Ingelheim-Foundation"
1990 Gerhard-Hess prize of the German science foundation
1992 Chemiedozentenpreis of the Fonds of the Chemical Industry of Germany
1997 Honorary degree (Dr. sci. h. c.) of Clarkson University Potsdam/New York
1998 Guest Professor in Lovain La Neuve/Belgium
2000 Member of the "Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften"
2003 Goldschmidt-Elhuyar-Award of the Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica
2005 Honorary Guest Professor at Hefei University/P. R. China
2005 Alfrey Turner visiting professorship at Michigan Molecular Institute
2005 Guest Professor at Paris V/Jussieu in Paris/France
2005-now ISI World Top 50 Material Science,
2006 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry /UK
2007 Römer Lecture LMU München, Staudinger-Durrer Lecture ETH Zürich
2008 ERC Advanced Grant
2009 Gold Medal of the Macro Group UK
2010 “Kolkhoff-Lecture Series” at the University of Minnesota
2011 Grignard-Wittig Award of the French Chemical Society
2011 Honorary Doctorate (Dr.Phil.h.c.) of the University of Stockholm for Sustainable
2014 Friedrich Bergius Award of the Evonik Co.
2015 External Honorary Member of the Swedish Academy of Engineering
2016 Honorary Guest Professor at Jiao Tong University/Shanghai
2016 Humboldt-Gay Lussac Award of the French Academy of Sciences
2016 Liebig Medal of the German Chemical Society
2018 Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany I Bundesverdienstkreuz
1.Klasse der BRD
2019 ERC Advanced Grant (2.time)
2020 Staudinger Prize of the GdCh
2021 ERC Synergy Grant (with Patrice Simon) in Sustainable Energy Storage
2021 Research Prize of Lombardia for Sustainable Chemistry
2021 Honorary Member of the Chinese Chemical Society
2022 UPAC Selection Top 10 Breakthrough Technologies for “Artificial Humic Matter”
2023 Honorary Professorships of Shenzhen University of Science and Technology,
Heilongjiang University, and NEAU
2023 Solvay Chair
2024 Arkema - French Académie des sciences prize for innovation in chemistry
for sustainable materials
Selected Activities
- Editorial board member of "Colloid & Polymer Science”, “Small”, "Progress in Polymer Science", "Soft Matter", “Chemistry of Materials”, “EES”, “Materials Horizon”,
Executive Board Member of Macromolecular Journals of Wiley-VCH - Chair of the Council “Nanotechnology” of the World Economic Forum
- Member of the Berlin Brandenburgische Academy of Sciences (2010 – 2015 chairperson of natural sciences)
- more than 200 completed PhD theses, 60 former coworkers hold leading Professorships, worldwide
- A larger number of industrial collaborations and consulting activities, including BASF, Evonik, Firmenich,
Carbon-Solutions, more than 90 patents
Scientific Expertise
- Biomimetic Materials
- Artificial Photosynthesis
- Chemistry of the Energy and Raw Material Change
- Sustainable Polymers and Materials
- Metal free Catalysis, electrocatalysis
- Carbon negative materials and processes
- Artificial Humic Matter