Publications of Markus Antonietti

Journal Article (991)

Journal Article
Han, B. H.; Antonietti, M.: One-step synthesis of copper nanoparticles containing mesoporous silica by nanocasting of binuclear copper(II) complexes with cyclodextrins. Journal of Materials Chemistry 13 (7), pp. 1793 - 1796 (2003)
Journal Article
Hornebecq, V.; Antonietti, M.; Cardinal, T.; Treguer-Delapierre, M.: Stable silver nanoparticles immobilized in mesoporous silica. Journal of Materials Chemistry 15 (10), pp. 1993 - 1999 (2003)
Journal Article
Hornebecq, V.; Mastai, Y.; Antonietti, M.; Polarz, S.: Redox behavior of nanostructured molybdenum oxide–Mesoporous silica hybrid materials. Chemistry of Materials 15 (19), pp. 3586 - 3593 (2003)
Journal Article
Marie, E.; Rothe, R.; Antonietti, M.; Landfester, K.: Synthesis of polyaniline particles via inverse and direct miniemulsion. Macromolecules 36 (11), pp. 3967 - 3973 (2003)
Journal Article
Montenegro, R.; Antonietti, M.; Mastai, Y.; Landfester, K.: Crystallization in miniemulsion droplets. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (21), pp. 5088 - 5094 (2003)
Journal Article
Schlaad, H.; Antonietti, M.: Block copolymers with amino acid sequences: Molecular chimeras of polypeptides and synthetic polymers. European Physical Journal E 10 (1), pp. 17 - 23 (2003)
Journal Article
Sedlak, M.; Simunek, P.; Antonietti, M.: Synthesis and N-15 NMR characterization of 4-vinylbenzyl substituted bases of nucleic acids. Journal of heterocyclic chemistry: the international journal of heterocyclic chemistry 40 (4), pp. 671 - 675 (2003)
Journal Article
Shchukin, D. G.; Schattka, J. H.; Antonietti, M.; Caruso, R. A.: Photocatalytic properties of porous metal oxide networks formed by nanoparticle infiltration in a polymer gel template. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (4), pp. 952 - 957 (2003)
Journal Article
Taden, A.; Antonietti, M.; Landfester, K.: Enzymatic polymerization towards biodegradable polyester nanoparticles. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 24 (8), pp. 512 - 516 (2003)
Journal Article
Thomas, A.; Antonietti, M.: Silica nanocasting of simple cellulose derivatives: towards chiral pore systems with long-range order and chiral optical coatings. Advanced Functional Materials 13 (10), pp. 763 - 766 (2003)
Journal Article
Thomas, A.; Polarz, S.; Antonietti, M.: Influence of spatial restrictions on equilibrium reactions: a case study about the excimer formation of pyrene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (21), pp. 5081 - 5087 (2003)
Journal Article
Thomas, A.; Schlaad, H.; Smarsly, B.; Antonietti, M.: Replication of lyotropic block copolymer mesophases into porous silica by nanocasting: learning about finer details of polymer self-assembly. Langmuir 19 (10), pp. 4455 - 4459 (2003)
Journal Article
Viala, S.; Antonietti, M.; Tauer, K.; Bremser, W.: Structural control in radical polymerization with 1,1 diphenylethylene: 2. Behavior of MMA-DPE copolymer in radical polymerization. Polymer 44 (5), pp. 1339 - 1351 (2003)
Journal Article
Yildiz, U.; Landfester, K.; Antonietti, M.: The fabrication of very small miniemulsion latexes from N-stearoylglutamate and lauryl methacrylate: evidence for droplet budding. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 204 (16), pp. 1966 - 1970 (2003)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Antonietti, M.; Cölfen, H.; Hartmann, J.: Growth and self-assembly of BaCrO4 and BaSO4 nanofibers toward hierarchical and repetitive superstructures by polymer-controlled mineralization reactions. Nano Letters 3 (3), pp. 379 - 382 (2003)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Cölfen, H.; Antonietti, M.: Polymer-controlled morphosynthesis and mineralization of metal carbonate superstructures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (30), pp. 7396 - 7405 (2003)
Journal Article
Yu, S. H.; Cölfen, H.; Antonietti, M.: The combination of colloid-controlled heterogeneous nucleation and polymer-controlled crystallization: Facile synthesis of separated, uniform high-aspect-ratio single-crystalline BaCrO₄ nanofibers. Advanced Materials 15 (2), pp. 133 - 136 (2003)
Journal Article
Zhou, Y.; Antonietti, M.: Synthesis of very small TiO2 nanocrystals in a room-temperature ionic liquid and their self-assembly toward mesoporous spherical aggregates. Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (49), pp. 14960 - 14961 (2003)
Journal Article
Zhou, Y.; Antonietti, M.: Preparation of highly ordered monolithic super-microporous lamellar silica with a room-temperature ionic liquid as template via the nanocasting technique. Advanced Materials 15 (17), pp. 1452 - 1455 (2003)
Journal Article
Zhou, Y.; Antonietti, M.: A novel tailored bimodal porous silica with well-defined inverse opal microstructure and super-microporous lamellar nanostructure. Chemical Communications (20), pp. 2564 - 2565 (2003)
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