Workshop| Research Data Management
- Start: Mar 29, 2023 01:00 AM c.t. (Local Time Germany)
- End: Mar 30, 2023 01:00 AM
- Speaker: MPDL
- Location: Max Planck Campus, Potsdam Science Park, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam
- Room: U.019
- Host: Max Planck Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
- Contact:

The increasing amount and complexity of scientific data pose challenges to keeping data organized, documented, and available for verification of research and new analyses leading to new findings. Especially with the new Max Planck “Rules of Conduct for Good Scientific Practice” and the regulations for data management, this becomes even more important. Thus, the systematic management of research data is becoming increasingly important. There are possible solutions for the various challenges in research data management: Collecting, documenting, storing, analysing, archiving, and publishing. At this workshop, a rough overview of the topic, diverse approaches and various data services will be presented by experts from the Max Planck Digital Library.
- Date: 29th and 30th March 2023
- Venue: Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Room U.019 or and code: 845477
- Target Audience: All colleagues, with a special focus on scientists
- Participation: Free of charge, but limited to the Max Planck
Institutes in Potsdam and the AEI in Hannover (University part included)
- Registration: Email to
- Language: English
- Organisators: Karin Köhl (MPIMP), Elke Müller (AEI), Dagmar Schwenk
(MPIKG), Michael Franke (MPDL), Jürgen Gremmels (MPIMP), and Yves
Vincent Grossmann (MPDL)
- General Contact: