From bio- to inorganic mineralization of magnetite

Research report (imported) 2009 - Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces

Faivre, Damien
Biomaterialien (Prof. Dr. Peter Fratzl)
MPI für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Potsdam
Magnetic nanoparticles are key components in many novel bio- and nanotechnological applications. These applications require highly uniform particle dimensions. The available chemical processes are unable to produce such crystals. Magnetotactic bacteria have resolved the complicated equation of forming such perfect particles under physiological conditions. This performance is analyzed by determining the role that key biological determinants play in the control of the properties of the biological magnets. The Mms6 protein was shown to specifically control magnetite size in vitro .

For the full text, see the German version.

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