Scientific Publications of the Institute

Publications of Amaia Cipitria

Journal Article (44)

Journal Article
Bakhshandeh, S.; Heras, U.; Taïeb, H. M.; Varadarajan, A. R.; Lissek, S. M.; Hücker, S. M.; Lu, X.; Garske, D.; Young, S.; Abaurrea, A. et al.; Caffarel, M. M.; Riestra, A.; Bragado, P.; Contzen, J.; Gossen, M.; Kirsch, S.; Warfsmann, J.; Honarnejad, K.; Klein, C. A.; Cipitria, A.: Dormancy-inducing 3D engineered matrix uncovers mechanosensitive and drug-protective FHL2-p21 signaling axis. Science Advances 10 (45), eadr3997 (2024)
Journal Article
Heller, A.-D.; Valleriani, A.; Cipitria, A.: Phase diagrams of bone remodeling using a 3D stochastic cellular automaton. PLOS ONE 19 (6), e0304694 (2024)
Journal Article
Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Heinig, S.; Heras, U.; Maichl, D. S.; Strifler, S.; Leich-Zbat, E.; Blouin, S.; Fratzl, P.; Fratzl-Zelman, N.; Jundt, F. et al.; Cipitria, A.: 3D osteocyte lacunar morphometry of human bone biopsies with high resolution microCT: from monoclonal gammopathy to newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Bone 189, 117236 (2024)
Journal Article
Tam, N.; Becker, A.; Mangiarotti, A.; Cipitria, A.; Dimova, R.: Extracellular vesicle mobility in collagen I hydrogels is influenced by matrix-binding integrins. ACS Nano 18 (43), pp. 29585 - 29601 (2024)
Journal Article
Tam, N.; Schullian, O.; Cipitria, A.; Dimova, R.: Nonspecific membrane-matrix interactions influence diffusivity of lipid vesicles in hydrogels. Biophysical Journal 123 (5), pp. 638 - 650 (2024)
Journal Article
Young, S.; Heller, A.-D.; Garske, D.; Rummler, M.; Qian, V.; Ellinghaus, A.; Duda, G. N.; Willie, B. M.; Grüneboom, A.; Cipitria, A.: From breast cancer cell homing to the onset of early bone metastasis: the role of bone (re)modeling in early lesion formation. Science Advances 10 (8), eadj0975 (2024)
Journal Article
Garrido, C.; Garske, D.; Thiele, M.; Amini, S.; Real, S.; Duda, G. N.; Schmidt-Bleek, K.; Cipitria, A.: Hydrogels with stiffness-degradation spatial patterns control anisotropic 3D cell response. Biomaterials Advances 151, 213423 (2023)
Journal Article
Schamberger, B.; Roschger, A.; Ziege, R.; Anselme, K.; Amar, M. B.; Bykowski, M.; Castro, A. P. G.; Cipitria, A.; Coles, R.; Dimova, R. et al.; Eder, M.; Ehrig, S.; Escudero, L. M.; Evans, M. E.; Fernandes, P. R.; Fratzl, P.; Geris, L.; Gierlinger, N.; Hannezo, E.; Iglič, A.; Kirkensgaard, J. J. K.; Kollmannsberger, P.; Kowalewska, Ł.; Kurniawan, N. A.; Papantoniou, I.; Pieuchot, L.; Pires, T. H. V.; Renner, L.; Sageman-Furnas, A.; Schröder-Turk, G. E.; Sengupta, A.; Sharma, V. R.; Tagua, A.; Tomba, C.; Trepat, X.; Waters, S. L.; Yeo, E.; Bidan, C. M.; Dunlop, J. W. C.: Curvature in biological systems: its quantification, emergence and implications across the scales. Advanced Materials 35 (13), 2206110 (2023)
Journal Article
Sparks, D. S.; Savi, F. M.; Dlaska, C. E.; Saifzadeh, S.; Brierly, G.; Ren, E.; Cipitria, A.; Reichert, J. C.; Wille, M.-L.; Schuetz, M. A. et al.; Ward, N.; Wagels, M.; Hutmacher, D. W.: Convergence of scaffold-guided bone regeneration principles and microvascular tissue transfer surgery. Science Advances 9 (18), eadd6071 (2023)
Journal Article
Taïeb, H. M.; Herment, G.; Robinson, T.; Cipitria, A.: Effect of capillary fluid flow on single cancer cell cycle dynamics, motility, volume and morphology. Lab on a Chip 23 (1), pp. 92 - 105 (2023)
Journal Article
Bakhshandeh, S.; Werner, C.; Fratzl, P.; Cipitria, A.: Microenvironment-mediated cancer dormancy: insights from metastability theory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (1), e2111046118 (2022)
Journal Article
Lahr, C. A.; Landgraf, M.; Wagner, F.; Cipitria, A.; Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Bas, O.; Schmutz, B.; Meinert, C.; Mashimo, T.; Miyasaka, Y. et al.; Holzapfel, B. M.; Shafiee, A.; McGovern, J. A.; Hutmacher, D. W.: A humanised rat model reveals ultrastructural differences between bone and mineralised tumour tissue. Bone 158, 116018 (2022)
Journal Article
Perier-Metz, C.; Cipitria, A.; Hutmacher, D. W.; Duda, G. N.; Checa, S.: An in silico model predicts the impact of scaffold design in large bone defect regeneration. Acta Biomaterialia 145, pp. 329 - 341 (2022)
Journal Article
Taïeb, H. M.; Bertinetti, L.; Robinson, T.; Cipitria, A.: FUCCItrack: an all-in-one software for single cell tracking and cell cycle analysis. PLoS One 17 (7), e0268297 (2022)
Journal Article
Young, S.; Rummler, M.; Taïeb, H. M.; Garske, D.; Ellinghaus, A.; Duda, G. N.; Willie, B. M.; Cipitria, A.: In vivo microCT-based time-lapse morphometry reveals anatomical site-specific differences in bone (re)modeling serving as baseline parameters to detect early pathological events. Bone 161, 116432 (2022)
Journal Article
Bakhshandeh, S.; Taïeb, H. M.; Schlüßler, R.; Kim, K.; Beck, T.; Taubenberger, A.; Guck, J.; Cipitria, A.: Optical quantification of intracellular mass density and cell mechanics in 3D mechanical confinement. Soft Matter 17 (4), pp. 853 - 862 (2021)
Journal Article
Moreno-Jiménez, I.; Garske, D.; Lahr, C.A.; Hutmacher, D.W.; Cipitria, A.: Targeted 2D histology and ultrastructural bone analysis based on 3D microCT anatomical locations. MethodsX 8, 101480 (2021)
Journal Article
Schmuck, R. B.; Lippens, E.; Wulsten, D.; Garske, D.; Strönisch, A.; Pratschke, J.; Sauer, I. M.; Duda, G. N.; Bahra, M.; Cipitria, A.: Role of extracellular matrix structural components and tissue mechanics in the development of postoperative pancreatic fistula. Journal of Biomechanics 128, 110714 (2021)
Journal Article
Taïeb, H. M.; Garske, D.; Contzen, J.; Gossen, M.; Bertinetti, L.; Robinson, T.; Cipitria, A.: Osmotic pressure modulates single cell cycle dynamics inducing reversible growth arrest and reactivation of human metastatic cells. Scientific Reports 11, 13455 (2021)
Journal Article
Trujillo, S.; Seow, M.; Lueckgen, A.; Salmeron-Sanchez, M.; Cipitria, A.: Dynamic mechanical control of alginate-fibronectin hydrogels with dual crosslinking: covalent and ionic. Polymers 13 (3), 433 (2021)
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