Dr. Angelo Valleriani

Group Leader
Stochastic Processes in Complex and Biological Systems
+49 331 567-9633
+49 331 567-9602

Main Focus


  • Modeling Stochastic Processes
  • Data analysis, biostatistics
  • Stochastic Chemical Kinetics
  • Population Genetics
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • RNA Biology: Modeling
  • mRNA & tRNA turnover
  • Translational Control


  • Quantum Field Theory
  • Conformal Field Theory in 1+1 dimensions
  • Renormalization Group
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Theory of 2nd Order Phase Transitions
  • Theory of Unitary and non-Unitary Integrable 2d QFT
  • Scattering Matrix Theory for Massive Integrable 2d QFT
  • 2d QFT with Boundaries: S-matrix approach
  • Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
  • Form Factors Technique for 2d Integrable and non-Integrable QFT
  • Self-Organized Criticality applied to Evolution, Earthquakes, Rice-Pile, Macro-Economy
  • Dynamics on Networks




Curriculum Vitae

Present Position
Group leader for Stochastic Processes in Complex and Biological Systems
Coordinator of the International Max Planck Research School

Education and Qualifications    

Since Nov. 2000 - Group leader and Coordinator of the IMPRS
Nov. 1998 - Visiting Scientist in the Theory Division of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany
Nov. 1996 - Visiting Scientist for two years at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany
Oct. 1996 - Ph.D. Degree in High Energy Physics at SISSA (Trieste, Italy); Thesis Supervisor: Dr. G. Mussardo
Thesis Title: Form Factors and Correlation Functions
Feb. 1993 - Start one year compulsory military service as Civil Service
Nov. 1992 - Admitted, as best qualified after exam, to the Ph.D. course in High Energy Physics at SISSA (Trieste, Italy)
July 1992 - Laurea Degree in Theoretical Physics at the University of Bologna with full marks and honours.
Thesis Supervisors: Prof. R. Soldati and Dr. F. Ravanini
Thesis Title: Conformal Invariance, Renormalization Group and Integrable Models in Two-Dimensional Quantum Field Theories
July 1985 - Scientific Lycée Degree with full marks

Current Cooperations

Silke Leimkuehler (Uni Potsdam)
Carsten Beta (Uni Potsdam)
Stefanie Barbirz (Uni Potsdam)
Davide Chiarugi (Uni Cambridge)
Ziv Reich and Ruti Kapon (Weismann Institute)
Ria Baumgrass (DRFZ, Berlin)
Silvie Roelly and Tetiana Kosenkova (Uni Potsdam)
Kerstin Blank (MPIKG)
Amaia Cipitria (MPIKG)



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