Peter Fratzl · Peter Seeberger · Markus Antonietti © Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Potsdam/Sebastian Rost

Publikationen von Julia Hütter

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Lai, C.-H.; Hütter, J.; Hsu, C.-W.; Tanaka, H.; Varela-Aramburu, S.; De Cola, L.; Lepenies, B.; Seeberger, P. H.: Analysis of carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions using sugar-functionalized silicon nanoparticles for cell imaging. Nano Letters 16 (1), S. 807 - 811 (2016)
Zacco, E.; Hütter, J.; Heier, J. L.; Mortier, J.; Seeberger, P. H.; Lepenies, B.; Koksch, B.: Tailored presentation of carbohydrates on a coiled coil-based scaffold for asialoglycoprotein receptor targeting. ACS Chemical Biology 10 (9), S. 2065 - 2072 (2015)
Hütter, J.; Eriksson, M.; Johannssen, T.; Klopfleisch, R.; von Smolinski, D.; Gruber, A. D.; Seeberger, P. H.; Lepenies, B.: Role of the C-type lectin receptors MCL and DCIR in experimental colitis. PLoS One 9 (7), e103281 (2014)
Sorge, N. M. v.; Cole, J. N.; Kuipers, K.; Henningham, A.; Aziz, R. K.; Kasirer-Friede, A.; Lin, L.; Berends, E. T.M.; Davies, M. R.; Dougan, G. et al.; Zhang, F.; Dahesh, S.; Shaw, L.; Gin, J.; Cunningham, M.; Merriman, J. A.; Hütter, J.; Lepenies, B.; Rooijakkers, S. H.M.; Malley, R.; Walker, M. J.; Shattil, S. J.; Schlievert, P. M.; Choudhury, B.; Nizet, V.: The classical Lancefield antigen of group A Streptococcus is a virulence determinant with implications for vaccine design. Cell Host & Microbe 15, S. 729 - 740 (2014)
Hütter, J.; Rödig, J. V.; Höper, D.; Seeberger, P. H.; Reichl, U.; Rapp, E.; Lepenies, B.: Toward Animal Cell Culture-Based Influenza Vaccine Design: Viral Hemagglutinin N-Glycosylation Markedly Impacts Immunogenicity. Journal of Immunology 190 (1), S. 220 - 230 (2013)
Schlegel, M. K.; Hütter, J.; Eriksson, M.; Lepenies, B.; Seeberger, P. H.: Defined presentation of carbohydrates on a duplex DNA scaffold. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 12 (18), S. 2791 - 2800 (2011)

Buchkapitel (1)

Hütter, J.; Lepenies, B.: Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: An Overview. In: Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines, S. 1 - 10 (Hg. Lepenies, B.). Springer Science+Business Media, New York (2015)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Hütter, J.: Carbohydrate-mediated cell targeting and the role of C-type lectin receptors in autoimmunity. Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin (2015)
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