Peter Fratzl · Peter Seeberger · Markus Antonietti © Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Potsdam/Sebastian Rost

Publikationen von D. C. K. Rathwell

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Baek, J. Y.; Geissner, A.; Rathwell, D. C. K.; Meierhofer, D.; Pereira, C. L.; Seeberger, P. H.: A modular synthetic route to size-defined immunogenic Haemophilus influenzae b antigens is key to the identification of an octasaccharide lead vaccine candidate. Chemical Science 9 (5), S. 1279 - 1288 (2018)
Bröcker, F.; Götze, S.; Hudon, J.; Rathwell, D. C. K.; Pereira, C. L.; Stallforth, P.; Chakkumkal, A.; Seeberger, P. H.: Synthesis, liposomal formulation, and immunological evaluation of a minimalistic carbohydrate-α-GalCer vaccine candidate. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 61 (11), S. 4918 - 4927 (2018)
Baek, J. Y.; Kwon, H.-W.; Myung, S. J.; Park, J. J.; Kim, M. Y.; Rathwell, D. C. K.; Jeon, H. B.; Seeberger, P. H.; Kim, K. S.: Directing effect by remote electron-withdrawing protecting groups at O-3 or O-4 position of donors in glucosylations and galactosylations. Tetrahedron 71 (33), S. 5315 - 5320 (2015)
Cavallari, M.; Stallforth, P.; Kalinichenko, A.; Rathwell, D. C. K.; Gronewold, T. M. A.; Adibekian, A.; Mori, L.; Landmann, R.; Seeberger, P. H.; De Libero, G.: A semisynthetic carbohydrate-lipid vaccine that protects against S-pneumoniae in mice. Nature Chemical Biology 10 (11), S. 950 - 956 (2014)

Patent (1)

Rathwell, D. C. K.; Parameswarappa, S. G.; Govindan, S.; Chakkumkal, A.; Pereira, C. L.; Seeberger, P. H.: Protein and peptide-free synthetic vaccines against streptococcus pneumoniae type 3. WO2015040140 (2012)
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