
Narayan Chandra Mishra (Department of Polymer and Process Engineering, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE)
Date: 28.03.2018 16:19

Dear Professor Möhwald,

I cannot believe that you left us. Though you left us, but I feel your presence with your ever-smiling dynamic personality and eternal happiness. You were among us, you are among us and you will be among us always by your activity, inspiration and dedication.
I miss you a lot!
May God offer peace and happiness wherever you are.


Stephan Herminghaus (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization)
Date: 28.03.2018 17:07

Dear colleagues and friends,

I was truly shocked when I learned yesterday evening that Helmuth has passed away. This is a great loss for the science community in Germany, not only because of his fresh mind and deep insight into physics, but also for his warmth and exceptionally friendly personality. I know I owe him a lot, having been hosted by his department in Adlershof, where I moved as an independent Max-Planck research group leader in 1996. I felt utmost freedom and support, but I also received the most deep and useful professional advice from him. Aside from science, it was cheerful to experience his enthusiasm for soccer, and it was great fun to play with him, or share some good red wine. Now that he's gone he leaves behind a gaping hole, but he will always have a warm and cozy place in our memories.

Stephan Herminghaus

Dr. Matthieu Virot (Institut de Chimie Séparative de Marcoule)
Date: 28.03.2018 17:21

It is with great sadness that I learn of the death of Helmuth Möhwald. Pr. Möhwald was an outstanding scientist and a fantastic person. He has always offered high quality scientific discussions and pushed everyone to give the best of themselves. I will always remember the fruitful scientific discussions and soccer matches we had during my post-doc. I would like to express my deepest condolences to his family and colleagues today.

Matthieu Virot

José L. Toca-Herrera (Institute for Biophysics, Department of Nanobiotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - BOKU, Vienna)
Date: 28.03.2018 18:25

Dear Professor,

Sadness is all around. Deep inside. You were and remain the most important and influential person of my professional career. I want to thank you. For many things. Lots of good memories. Not enough space.
I know that I will miss you very much.
My most sincere condolences to your family, Ulrike and Annelie.

Respectfully and always yours,

Dinesh Shenoy (Pharma Research, Lupin Limited, India)
Date: 28.03.2018 18:34


I am deeply saddened by this news. Prof. Moehwald was certainly the most distinguished director of the MPIKGF & I had the honor of being a part of his group between 2001-2003. Though our interactions were limited, I remember each one of them distinctly. He always showed keen interest in the scientific progression of each individual. He has left behind a rich legacy of significant contributions & a vast number of people whom he influenced. I pray for his soul to rest in peace. My deepest condolences to his family.

Dinesh Shenoy

Alexei Antipov
Date: 28.03.2018 19:00

Dear Prof. Möhwald, it was a very sad news for me to hear about your departure. You were one of very few people whom I admired and respected deeply, both as a scientist and as a person. I know that you got into a better world, and I may not mourn about it. One day we meet again. Rest in peace, dear Prof. Möhwald.


Alexey Kalachev (Plasmachem GmbH)
Date: 28.03.2018 19:41

We have lost big scientist and big man...

He was able to look immediately to the "core" of the problem and he has generated plenty of wonderful ideas... In contrast to many German Professors, Prof. Moehwald was not snobbish, he gave to everybody around warm  feeling. He loved people around and people loved him.

Let us remember him in our hearts and in our followed research!
Dr. Alexey Kalachev

John Dunlop (FB Chemistry and Physics of Materials, Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg), Michaela Eder (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces)
Date: 28. März 2018 20:39

Dear Peter,

both of us are very sad to hear of the news of Helmuth. For Michi he was one of the big role models not just in science but in approaching difficult situations in a very positive way. He was extremely helpful in dealing with her difficult situations. For John he was a wonderful example of a positive motivating person who was always ready to talk and discuss science in an open way with young people.

With the distance to Golm the news still seems very abstract, but we are thinking of you all and send our condolences to his wife and family. We will never forget his wonderful smiles and will keep him in our hearts.

Best regards
John and Michi

Andre Skirtach (Department Molecular Biotechnology, Universiteit Gent)
Date: 28.03.2018 20:59

This is very difficult, if possible, to express in words. Because there are no words, which can describe that. A person who was so close to many, a person who inspired so profoundly, a person who could reach over to so many cultures around the globe.

It was worth to put the highest effort just to see his encouraging smile in the morning.
He was more than a boss, more than a director, more than a colleague, more than a teammate. That will be always remembered.

Katsuhiko Ariga [Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)]
Date: 28.03.2018 23:02

Dear Sirs,

Please accept my sincere condolences. Prof. Helmuth Möhwald is one of the greatest surface scientists in whole the history.
It is considerable loss in the world.

Katsuhiko Ariga

Daniel K. Schwartz (Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder)
Date: 29.03.2018 00:15

This is a very sad day for me, to hear of Helmuth’s passing.  I last saw him at an ACS National Meeting in 2017, and he was as robust and vigorous as ever, so this unhappy news comes as a shock to me. There are no words that can express Helmuth’s incredible impact on colloid and interface science.  I can say truthfully that his pioneering papers with Lösche and Sackmann in the early 1980s (using fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy/diffraction to elucidate phase transitions in phospholipid monolayers) were the very first peer-reviewed journal articles I can remember reading.  I distinctly recall photo-copying the bound journals and later being disappointed that the subtle grayscale contrast of the fluorescence micrographs was lost in the oversaturated copies.  So his influence on me has spanned more than 30 years, and continues undiminished. When I finally had the opportunity to meet him in person in the early 1990s (I was a postdoc at the time), he had achieved legendary status in my mind and so I was delighted to find that he was a kind man, with a powerful and creative intellect.  Of course, Helmuth's legacy is amplified exponentially by the scores of amazing scientists whose careers he nurtured over the years, and their scientific descendants.  I am only sorry that I will not have the opportunity to talk with him again.  My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

With warm regards,
Dan Schwartz

Wen Yang (Beijing Institute of Technology)
Date: 29.03.2018 00:58

Dear all,

I am very sorry and shocked to hear Prof. Möhwald's message.

My first deep talk with Prof.  Möhwald was in Beijing in 2013, at that time he was attended the meeting of international meeting of Colloid and interface which held in Institute of Process, CAS. At that time, I faced big challenge in my career. I asked him how to become a great scientist, he told me you should not learn from me, you should learn from other's failure, and later I realized it is great words as I always learn from my failures in my career.

Another thing I should appreciate Prof.  Möhwald is that thanks him to open a era of Layer-by-Layer technique, which is great technique that can be used in electrochemistry, from him research I received my PhD from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, In this year, I will write an chapter on  Layer by Layer of Colloids Nanomaterials for Energy storage and Conversion in a book to memory him .

My name is Wen Yang, I work in Beijing Institute of Technology now. I was stayed in MPIKG between 2009-2010.
Sorry for my poor English.


Yonekazu DEGUCHI
Date: 29.03.2018 02:18

I’m sorry to hear about Prof. Helmuth Möhwald loss.
May his soul rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you. In deeprest sympathy.

Yonekazu DEGUCHI
I worked at Takashi Nakanishi’s group from September to March in 2009.

Jiacong Shen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. of Jilin Univ. & Zhejiang Univ.), Changyou Gao (Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Univ.)
Date: 29.03.2018 02:19

Dear Mrs. Möhwald,

We are greatly shocked and in great sorrow on hearing the sudden death of Prof. Helmuth Möhwald. Please accept my sincerest condolences.

I had the privilege of knowing Helmuth for many years and always regarded him as an old friend. He is an outstanding scientist. He did great work in the fields of biomimetic systems, chemistry and physics in confined space and dynamics at interfaces. Helmuth is also a good mentor. He educated many students, especially those Chinese young people, and always encouraged and supported them to pursue their scientific career. We are truly grateful to the support he gave us in the past years and will always cherish those unforgettable memories of him.

Though we know it is a great loss to you, I sincerely hope that you can restrain your grief and recover from it soon.

On behalf of all colleagues of Jilin University and Zhejiang University who have ever worked or met with Prof. Helmuth Möhwald,

Sincerely yours,
Jiacong Shen, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. of Jilin Univ. & Zhejiang Univ.
Changyou Gao, Prof., Chair of Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Univ.

Toyoki Kunitake (Kyushu University, Japan)
Date: 29.03.2018 03:07

Dear family of late Prof. Moehwald and the Member of MPIKG,

It was a greatest shock to me to hear that Helmuth passed away. His warm personality and cool scientific judgement was incomparable. His friendship with many Japanese scientists was truly precious one, as I enjoyed it for the last thirty years. Our last encounter was in a conference in Seoul last June, and I was impressed by his remark that he often played football by running faster than his much younger colleagues. I miss him.

With deepest sorrow,                                                    

Toyoki Kunitake
University Professor, Kyushu University, Japan

Renjie Zhang (Key Laboratory of Colloid and Interface Chemistry of the Ministry of Education of the P. R. China, Shandong University)
Date: 29.03.2018 05:18

Dear Annelie and Ulrike,

please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. We are always with you.

I can hardly accept the fact that Professor Möhwald passed away on 27 March, 2018. The loss of so great a professor and friend in physical chemistry with unforgotten everlasting kind stimulated discussion and suggestion is heartbreaking to me.

Although he postponed visit this year, I have written on seeing him this year in China. It is a pity I can not meet him again.

Professor Möhwald has contributed a lot to the self-assembly of functional materials at Interfaces for the Institute of Colloid and Interface Chemistry, Shandong University, where he gave lectures and supervision in October 2006 and in May 2017.

Your encouragement has been shining the road to advances in Colloid and Interface Sciences.
Renjie Zhang

Naotoshi Nakashima (Professor at International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University, Japan)
Date: 29.03.2018 06:54

I am deeply shocked to hear of Prof. Helmuth Möhwald’s sudden passing. He was one of my best friend. I remember when he visited me in Nagasaki/Fukuoka, he stayed in my parents in-laws home and sang a German song together. He was an wonderful person not only as an outstanding Professor but also as a sublimed human being. I was respected him for long.

I would like to offer my deepest sympathies.

Naotoshi Nakashima

Johannes Früh (Micro/Nano Technology Research Centre, Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Date: 29.03.2018 07:15

Als ehemaliger Doktorand bei Herrn Möhwald bin ich sehr erschüttert von dem Tod meines Doktorvaters zu erfahren.
Auch meine Frau, welche Herrn Möhwald kannte, ist erschüttert.

Johannes und Meiyu

Milos Sedlak (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)
Date: 29.03.2018 08:35

Dear colleagues,

I very much regret having to announce the death of Professor Helmuth Möhwald, the eminent scientist.
Please accept my very sincere condolences in your bereavement.

You are constantly in my thoughts.

Yours sincerely
Milos Sedlak

Darya Radziuk
Date: 29.03.2018 08:54

I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Prof. Helmuth Möhwald, who will be always an example for me of a kind and really generous man, very clever scientist with a clear vision and fast mind. Prof. Möhwald always had time for me for inspiring scientific discussions, always encouraged me to be self-disciplined, thoughtful, and independent and take full responsibility for my decisions and actions especially being a woman in a man’s world. I am very grateful for his large professional investment in my personal development. I will always remember him as a true scientist, who always had time to listen to people, help them with his advice, discuss research, overcome difficulties and problems, and for enormous inspiration to do research. I will remember him as a great leader in his research field and for his professional service to people, and wish he will rest in peace.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Darya Radziuk

Klaus-Dieter Wantke
Date: 29.03.2018 10:23

Nachruf eines ehemaligen Mitarbeiters von Prof. Möhwald:

Prof. Möhwald hat sich mit großem Engagement den Aufgaben seiner Zeit gestellt. Wir erinnern uns an ihn mit Respekt und Dankbarkeit.

Klaus-Dieter Wantke

Werner Andreas Goedel (Institut für Chemie, Technische Universität Chemnitz)
Date: 29.03.2018 10:24

Helmuth Möhwald was a great scientist and - even more important - a great character.
Like so many others, I owe him a lot.

I bow my head in sorrow and wish his soul will go marching on in a place better than earth can be.

Werner Andreas Goedel

Jian Liu (College of Materials Science & Engineering, Qingdao University of Science & Technology (QUST), China)
Date: 29.03.2018 10:36

Dear Ulrike & Annelie,

This is Jian Liu, once a postdoc in Colloids Chemistry of MPIKG. Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss of husband and father.

Prof. Möhwald is such a wonderful person, mentor and scientist. Although I was not under his direct supervision during that time, I did benefit a lot from him, his postdocs and his department during my stay in Golm. When I heard the bad news, I was shocked and speechless for the entire night.

When I tried to look back to the moments in Golm, I was fortunate to have played football with Prof. Möhwald. I still remember his pinpoint pass from the backcourt to someone in the box. His great passion for science and everlasting interest in football inspired me always. I am honored and blessed to have known professor and have such memories.

Wish Prof. Möhwald rest in peace!
Jian Liu

Stefano Leporatti (CNR NANOTEC - Istituto di Nanotecnologia, Polo di Nanotecnologia, Lecce, Italia)
Date: 29.03.2018 10:38

Caro Helmuth,

mi perdonerai se mi permetto di darti del tu per il tuo ultimo viaggio. La notizia della tua morte improvvisa mi ha rattristato molto.
Sei stato come un padre per me, non ti dimenticherò mai!
Le mie sentite condoglianze vanno alla tua famiglia: la moglie e la figlia.
Lo scorso anno abbiamo giocato a calcio l’ultima partita insieme, purtroppo quest’anno non lo potremo più fare.

Riposa in pace (R.I.P.)


Lieber Helmuth

Du wirst mir vergeben, wenn ich mir erlaube, dir deine letzte Reise zu geben. Die Nachricht von deinem plötzlichen Tod hat mich sehr traurig gemacht.
Mein tief empfundenes Beileid gilt Deiner Familie: Deiner Frau und Deiner Tochter

Du warst wie ein Vater für mich, ich kann dich nicht mehr vergessen!
Letztes Jahr haben wir zusammen das letzte Fussball Spiel gespielt, leider werden wir es dieses Jahr nicht mehr schaffen.

Ruhe in Frieden (R.I.P.)


Dear Helmuth

You forgive me if I allow myself to you informally to your last trip
The news of your sudden death has saddened me a lot.
It was like a father to me, never forget you!

My condolences go to your family: Your wife and Your daughter
Last year we played football the last game together, unfortunately this year we can not do it anymore.

Rest in Peace (R.I.P.)


Debora Berti (Dipartimento di Chimica "Ugo Schiff", Università di Firenze)
Date: 29.03.2018 10:53

I am so sorry and sad to hear about the recent passing of Helmuth.

This was totally unexpected as I was looking forward to celebrating him in Rotterdam next May.

I have known him since 25 years; I was a young, shy, unexperienced PhD student then. Not only he was supportive for my work at that time, but since then, everytime he met me, he greeted me with sincere words, always encouraging.

When I was President of the European Colloid and Interface Society, he was indeed generous with advices and support. He loved this society and made so much to make it grow and flourish.

It is a great loss and he will be missed.
My thoughts to his family, friends and students


Gleb Sukhorukov (Queen Mary University of London)
Date: 29.03.2018 11:23

It is with deep sadness that I have received the information about PROFESSOR. He was a Mensch and generous mentor for so many of us. My condolences to his family with the loss

Gleb Sukhorukov
Queen Mary, University of London

Claudio Rossi (University of Siena)
Date: 29.03.2018 12:30

I just received the sad information about Prof. Helmuth Moehwald. The community of Physical Chemists of the University of Siena, will send their own condolence to the Family and to the Max Plank Institute.

Claudio Rossi

Gerardo Palazzo (Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Bari)
Date: 29.03.2018 12:34

To the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces,

I wanted you to know how much we regret the loss of Prof. Helmuth Möhwald.
Please accept my deep condolences on the behalf of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Bari.

Gerardo Palazzo

Antonio Stocco (Université de Montpellier)
Date: 29.03.2018 13:41

Helmuth Möhwald was a strong, kind and inspiring person, always full of advices and with a great sense of humor. I would like to remember him with a little story. After my PhD I received an offer to work in his department but in the end I chose to accept a position in Paris. I came to his office and I explained my reasons. In the end, I added that the choice to go to Paris also fitted well with the fact that my girlfriend was there. He was very kind and understood my reasons. After two years I applied to a postdoc position in his group. I came to his office, he saw me and asked me: “Antonio, did you change girlfriend?”

Helmuth Möhwald was a father for my scientific and personal life.
My deepest condolences to his family.

Antonio Stocco

Karin Jacobs (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken)
Date: 29.03.2018 15:14

Liebe Frau Möhwald,

herzliches Beileid.

Eigentlich hatte ich gehofft, Sie alle drei wieder Ende April in Shrighley Hall zu treffen, um dort wieder die Frühlingssonne zu genießen und über alles in der Welt zu plaudern.

Schon bei meiner ersten Begegnung mit Helmuth Möhwald bei einem Auswahlseminar der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Mitte der 1990er Jahre hat er mich beeindruckt, nicht nur mit seinem Fachwissen, da muss ich wohl nichts dazu sagen, sondern vielmehr mit seiner direkten Art, auf den Punkt zu kommen.

Es war immer ein großes Vernügen, mit ihm zu diskutieren, gerade auch, wenn man anderer Meinung war als er! Ich stand einmal vor einer größeren Entscheidung und bat ihn um Rat. Nach reiflicher Überlegung kam ich dem jedoch nicht nach, was mich sehr beschäftigte, aber ihn offensichtlich auch: Jahre später sprach er mich darauf an und meinte, ich hätte das - entgegen seinem Rat - gut gemacht. Er erinnerte sich daran!

Und überhaupt - sein Gedächnis! Und das betraf nicht nur Forschungsergebnisse...: Da konnte man in Adlershof nichtsahnend morgens über den Gang laufen und dann rief er aus seinem Büro: "Frau Jacobs - Sie haben doch Geburtstag heute! Alles Gute!"  Im Zuge von High-Tech-Kalendern kein Ding... Kann sein, aber er wusste auch viele andere Dinge "seiner" Leute (und diese Schar ist groß!): wer wo welche Stelle annahm, wechselte, glücklich war oder nicht; wer mit wem und warum. Großartig - und unglaublich unterhaltsam!

Er hatte immer neben der Wissenschaft die Menschen im Blick. Das wird mir stets in herausragender Erinnerung bleiben.

Mit sehr herzlichen Grüßen aus Saarbrücken
Karin Jacobs


Dear Mrs. Möhwald,

my condolences.

Actually, I was hoping to meet all three of you back in Shrighley Hall at the end of April, to enjoy the spring sun again and chat about everything in the world.

Already at my first encounter with Helmuth Möhwald at a selection seminar of the Max Planck Society in the mid-1990s, he impressed me, not only with his specialist knowledge, I don't have to say anything about it, but rather with his direct way of getting to the point.

It was always a great pleasure to discuss with him, especially when one didn't agree with him! I once faced a major decision and asked him for advice. After careful consideration, however, I did not comply, which has occupied me for a long time, but obviously not only me: Years later he approached me and said that I had done well, even against his advice. He remembered it!

And anyway - his memory! It not only concernd research results...: You could walk across the corridor in Adlershof in the morning and it could happen that he shouted from his office: "Ms Jacobs - it's your birthday today! All the best!" In the course of high-tech calendars not a thing...

Maybe, but he also knew many others things of "his" people (and it is quite a large group): who accepted which job where, changed, was happy or not; who with whom and why. (The same with data!) Great, impressive - and incredibly entertaining!

In addition to science, he always had people in mind. This will remain in my memory.

With very warm greetings from Saarbrücken
Karin Jacobs

Ralph Bock (Managing Director, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology)
Date: 29.03.2018 19:04

Liebe Kollegen des MPI-KG,

im Namen des Direktoriums der MPI für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie und der gesamten Belegschaft möchte ich dem MPI für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung unser tiefempfundenes Beileid zum Tod von Helmuth Möhwald aussprechen, der uns sehr erschüttert hat. Helmuth Möhwald wird uns für immer als ein hervorragender Wissenschaftler und exzellenter Kollege in Erinnerung bleiben, der sich nicht nur um die Wissenschaft auf unserem Campus, sondern auch um das Gemeinwesen und die sozialen Interaktionen außerordentlich verdient gemacht hat - sein erfrischendes, herzliches Wesen und sein feiner Humor werden unvergessen bleiben. Wir trauern gemeinsam mit Ihnen um diesen unersetzlichen Verlust.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ralph Bock 

Lidong Li (University of Science and Technology Beijing)
Date: 30.03.2018 02:19

Dear Ulrike & Annelie, Colleagues,

I am so sad and shocked to hear the news that Professor Helmuth Möhwald has passed away.....
I still very clear remember when Professor visited our lab last year......

I really can not express my present sad feelings in words. Professor is not only my best PhD supervisor, also our best friends, our best soccer player. I learned a lot from Professor. It is my best experience in my life when I made my PhD with Professor.

I will miss you and remember you forever.

With my deepest sorrow

Haolan Xu (University of South Australia)
Date: 30.03.2018 03:34

It is really sad and shocked to hear that my most respected Professor Helmuth Möhwald passed away. I can’t believe that since he was so well when I met him last year in China. Professor Möhwald was my host professor for Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow in 2009-2010. During that time, I received many support of valuable discussions and advices. I still remember his encouragement when my research was not what I expected (2010 summer school). I also remember the time that we played soccer together, no matter what the weather was. After left MPIKG, I met professor Möhwald several times and the most happy thing is to show him my research work, discuss with him and enjoy his comments and suggestions. He is always patient, he respects other opinion and even argument. He is so nice and always ready to help others.  But he left us. We all remember his significant contribution to the scientific community worldwide. He fostered so many outstanding scientists who will continue and extend his passion for science. He will be always in our memories.

Haolan Xu

Ziad Khattari (Physics Department, Hashemite University Zarqa Jordan)
Date: 30.03.2018 10:46

It is a great sadness to loss such a great scientist who devoted most of his life to develop the bases of science.

Ziad Khattari
A Postdoc@ MPI-KG (2000-2003)

Xiuhong Zhai & Echo Zhai (AVEDA - Estee Lauder Companies; Minnesota, USA)
Date: 30.03.2018 21:08

The most impressive scene in my memory about Golm has always been professor Moehwald reading papers on his balcony in a warm summer day during the sunset - I looked back many times when I needed to catch the train back to Potsdam. It was such a peaceful scene which has never faded away even after more than a decade. He had magic with numbers and almost remembered all the birthday dates included my daughter's. He was such a fun person being with kids. My daughter loved him and it was a happy moment to see how professor carried an interesting conversation with my 9 years old by then back to 2015 walking along Lake Michigan. He was extremely generous, kind, helped everybody around him. He has been the greatest scientist I have ever known. He always gave me thoughtful advice and suggestion about career and life. He was the 1st source for all questions and he gave the final answers. I feel the hollowness right away after knowing he passed away.

I remembered he said:" Don't Cry" when my daughter and I said a Bye to him in ORD airport. We cover up all the grief and sadness, we wipe away all tears, we feel the sharp pain in losing him, we cherish all the encouragement and happiness he brought to our lives, we celebrate what a wonderful life he had with all the love from his family, friends, students and colleagues. Wish he can rest peacefully for eternity with the beautiful view in sunrises and sunsets. Someday we will meet again.

With all the respect,
From Xiuhong Zhai & Echo Zhai

Andrea CEGLIE (Center for Colloid and Surface Science (CSGI) Dept. of Chemistry, University of Florence & University of Molise, ITALY)
Date: 30.03.2018 23:20

Ciao, caro amico Helmuth,


Shiori Kubo (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST), Japan)
Date: 31.03.2018 07:36

Sincere condolences to his bereaved family. I will always remember him as an outstanding physicist and be thankful for his friendliness and support for foreign researchers.

Shiori Kubo

Yanfei Shen (Southeast University Nanjing, China)
Date: 31.03.2018 08:06

I was deeply sorry to hear the bad news of Prof. Möhwald. I can not believe it until now. He always gave me lots of suggestions on my work and revised my manuscripts carefully when I was a postdoc in MPI-KG during 2008-2010. When I nervously came to his office to ask for extending my contract, he smiled and asked me: “Is three months enough? Do you need longer time? You won’t miss us?”

I clearly remember the time he visited Nanjing in Nov. 2015. We talked a lot about persons from MPI-KG. He always remembers everyone who was in the department. I was looking forward to seeing him again this year since he told me this year he will visit Nanjing. But we can’t see him any more. We will miss you forever, my respected Prof. Möhwald!

Yanfei Shen

Martin F. Haase (Department of Chemical Engineering, Rowan University, USA)
Date: 31.03.2018 14:02

The news of Helmuth Moehwald having passed away made me very sad. But so are many of the people that had the chance to work with Helmuth. Many like me share countless memories of moments with him, funny, casual or stressful situations. From the job interview during which he challenged me, to the countless meetings, during which he always listened carefully and gave great advice, to Max Planck department meetings, where he embarrassed me in front of everyone by letting them know that my middle name is Frodo, to many breakfasts, lunches, dinners. We had many discussions that were all defining for me. When I moved from one postdoc to another, I had great troubles, and Helmuth tried hard to help me out. I am so thankful for everything he has done for me. From giving me the opportunity to do PhD studies in his department, to being a mentor for many years to come. Like many people I can say, without the opportunities he facilitated, my life would not have become what it is now. I always tried to make him proud of me, he was my inspiration that I looked up to. He loved to joke, and always expressed a very kind and positive aura. After making some comments about sustainability regarding air-plane travelling he started calling me the “tree hugger”. When I came back to visit Germany from my postdoc in the U.S., the first thing he joked to me was: “Mr. Haase, how did you get here? Did you swim???”. I was actually very happy to be mocked by him, because it made me feel connected and close to Helmuth.

He will be remembered by many as a man whose purpose was to help other people with an innovative mindset and a strong personality, a bastion of calm. May his soul rest in peace. The community has lost a giant but his legacy will live on through his students and postdocs.

My deepest condolences to his wife, daughter and family.

- Martin Haase

Helmut Cölfen (Universität Konstanz)
Date: Sa 31.03.2018 19:54

Liebe Angehörige von Helmuth Möhwald, liebe Mitarbeiter des MPIKGF,

das ist eine schlimme Nachricht, die uns vom Tod von Helmuth Möhwald erreicht und die mich schockiert hat, da sie für mich völlig unerwartet kam. Obwohl bereits emeritiert, war er wissenschaftlich immer noch sehr aktiv und so hatte ich alleine im letzten Jahr mehrmals die Gelegenheit und Freude, ihn an verschiedenen Orten in dieser Welt zu treffen und mit ihm zu diskutieren.

Wir verlieren viel zu früh einen herausragenden Wissenschaftler und einen sehr bemerkenswerten Menschen.

In stiller Trauer
Helmut Cölfen, Universität Konstanz

Mitarbeiter Abteilung Kolloidchemie 1995 - 2010

Alexey Yashchenok (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow)
Date: Sa 31.03.2018 21:57

Dear Professor Helmuth Moehwald,

It is hard to believe for me that You are no longer with us. It is really painful…
Thank You a lot for sharing your knowledge, ideas, skill, and love for football. These moments will be not forgotten and will stay always with me.

Alexey Yashchenok

Ken-ichi IIMURA (Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University)
Date: 01.04.2018 16:21

Dear Prof. Helmuth Möhwald,

It was so sudden and I needed time to accept the passing of you. I am writing this mail with feeling that I may see you at a next meeting someday somewhere.

You taught me the fun of research when I was a student, and later gave me the opportunity of doing research at your institute where I learned many things and met treasured friends for life. You were always positive, generous and encouraging, which is a good model for my present work. I am eternally grateful for your kindness and contributions, and will remember you.

May your soul rest in peace.

Ajay Khopade (Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company, Mumbai, India)
Date: 02.04.2018 07:53

With heartfelt condolences! May god rest the soul in peace.  Amen!!!

Birgit Fischer (GCE Bayreuth)
Date: 02.04.2018 09:56

Lieber Herr Möhwald,

Sie haben mich seit meiner Studentenzeit in München begleitet. Das Schönste für mich war, dass Sie mich immer ernst genommen haben, sowohl fachlich als auch persönlich. Gerne hätte ich längere Zeit mit Ihnen zusammengearbeitet, aber die Umstände wollten es anders.

Dafür habe ich jedes Wiedersehen und den gelegentlichen Mailwechsel genossen. Ich bin jetzt erst mal sehr, sehr traurig über Ihren plötzlichen Tod, aber auch sehr dankbar für die gemeinsame Zeit.

Danke, dass Sie mir so viel gegeben haben!

Meine Gedanken gehen natürlich auch an die Familie. Herzliches Beileid!

Birgit Fischer

Katja Skorb (SCAMT Laboratory (Solution Chemistry of Advanced Materials & Technologies), ITMO University, St.Petersburg, Russia)
Date: 02.04.2018 10:39

Dear Prof. Möhwald,

Thank you very much for being always in our mind, heart and soul. Thank you for the inspiration and all advices. Thank you for showing us how one should be a real Scientist. You were the Scientist!

Anytime you were ready to discuss all ideas, you had suggestions and hypothesis for further many years of productive work.

It is hard to understand that you are no longer achievable on-line! It was you who were answering any e-mail in a min, who Skype with us even sitting at your beautiful garden. Very organized, I was happy from time to time to have breakfast with you at Max Planck at 7:30, when you started in the morning and sometime discussions late evening. No limits for ideas, no limits for personal development.

We need you very much! How it is possible to recognize that you are not with us any longer. For me it is impossible. You are in us, in your great ideas.

Pushkin many years ago had a poem about writers that is I think also true for the great Scientist because it is a poem to do it such a way you were able to do it!

"I’ve raised myself a lasting monument unfashioned
The people’s path to it shall ever beaten be.
It towers higher than the columns tsars impassioned
Have had put up for all to see.

Not all of me will die – my soul lives in my lyric
Which will outlive my dust, outrun my putrid reek
And I shall live on earth in victory unPyrrhic
If will one poet rhymings seek.

My fame shall cover all of Russia’s vast expanses
And set astir the many tongues of all who speak:
The Finn, the wild for now Tungus, the Slav who dances
And the friend of the steppes, Kalmyk.

And long shall I be loved by both the fools and sages
In having strummed my lyre to put them at their ease;
In singing Freedom’s cause in my most cruel of ages
In making for the fallen pleas.

Oh my dear muse, entrust yourself to will of heaven
Do not fear insults or let laurels be your rule.
Take fourteen drams of praise, of calumny, twice seven,
And do not quarrel with a fool.


Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный,
К нему не зарастет народная тропа,
Вознесся выше он главою непокорной
Александрийского столпа.

Нет, весь я не умру — душа в заветной лире
Мой прах переживет и тленья убежит —
И славен буду я, доколь в подлунном мире
Жив будет хоть один пиит.

Слух обо мне пройдет по всей Руси великой,
И назовет меня всяк сущий в ней язык,
И гордый внук славян, и финн, и ныне дикой
Тунгуз, и друг степей калмык.

И долго буду тем любезен я народу,
Что чувства добрые я лирой пробуждал,
Что в мой жестокой век восславил я Свободу
И милость к падшим призывал.

Веленью божию, о муза, будь послушна,
Обиды не страшась, не требуя венца,
Хвалу и клевету приемли равнодушно,
И не оспоривай глупца."

Always remember You, Katja

Ranieri Rolandi (Department of Physics, University of Genoa)
Date: 02.04.2018 16:23

This morning I received the very sad news about the passing of Prof. Helmuth Möhwald.
He has been a font of inspiration for the scientist community and a generous friend for his collaborators.

My deepest condolences to his family and friends,

Ranieri Rolandi

Hans-Joachim Müller
Date: 02.04.2018 19:04

Mit Dankbarkeit und Zuneigung erinnere ich mich an Professor Helmut Möhwald und seine tatkräftige und einfühlsame Führung in den ersten Jahren des aus Ost und West zusammengeführten Instituts. Allen, die um ihn trauern, besonders seiner Frau, bekunden wir unser Mitgefühl.

Hans-Joachim Müller und Frau

Valentina Belova -Magri (Atotech GmbH, Berlin)
Date: 02.04.2018 23:45

I believe that in life we meet everyone for a reason. Professor Möhwald first of all was a wonderful, very kind and a wise man. A Leader, who organized great scientific network, created comfortable working conditions and home atmosphere at the institute. He was a truly important person for me who helped me to develop my way in life and it is very difficult to understand and to accept that he passed away... His way of being open, sharing knowledge, giving wise advices, towarding and staying always very curious for new in life will always stay with me as an unique example of an outstanding personality. It was an honor to have known Professor Möhwald and being mentored by him over the last years.

My deepest condolences to Frau Möhwald, his daughter and the family.

Valentina Belova -Magri

Maria Hörnke, Claudia Dannehl, Julia Schneider
Date: 03.04.2018 07:43

Liebe Angehörige, Kollegen und Freunde,

der unerwartete plötzliche Tod von Prof. Dr. Möhwald hat uns zutiefst erschüttert.
Möge die Erinnerung an alles gemeinsam Schöne helfen, die Trauer zu überwinden.

Wir werden ihn als unermüdlichen Institutsleiter und Wissenschaftler in Erinnerung behalten, der mit seinem Wissen und Know-how stets auch den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs förderte und damit den beruflichen Werdegang nicht nur von uns ebnete.

Wir bedauern diesen Verlust zutiefst und sprechen seinen Angehörigen, Kollegen und Freunden unser aufrichtiges Mitgefühl aus.

In Dankbarkeit und Anteilnahme

Maria Hörnke
Claudia Dannehl
Julia Schneider

Falko Rottke (Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Polymer Research (IAP)
Date: 03.04.2018 10:38

Humorvoll, scharfsinnig, ehrlich und geradeheraus - so habe ich Prof. Möhwald kennengelernt.

Selbst bei den wenigen, teils kurzen Treffen auf Tagungen, die wir hatten, stellte sich stets eine angenehme Vertrautheit ein. Nie hatte man das Gefühl, dass die eigene Person zur Diskussion stand, sondern, dass es darum ging die Sache als solche voranzubringen. Diskussionen mit ihm waren bereichernd und inspirierend.

So werde ich Prof. Möhwald in Erinnerung behalten.

Mein Beileid gilt seiner Familie sowie den langjähigen Kollegen.

Falko Rottke

Thomas Fischer (Polymer- und Kolloidforschung, Universität Bayreuth)
Date: 03.04.2018 12:15

Lieber Herr Möhwald,

Danke für die wissenschaftliche und persönliche Unterstützung die Sie mir immer gewährt haben. Sie waren und bleiben für mich ein Vorbild, der seine Position stets zum Nutzen anderer eingesetzt hat. Möge das Lob ihrer Schüler, zu denen ich mich dazuzähle, ein Trost für Ihre Familie sein, die Sie nun zurücklassen.

Ihr  Thomas

Maarten Biesheuvel (Wetsus, European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands)
Date: 03.04.2018 12:12

I would like to express my condolence to the family of Prof. Helmuth Möhwald and his close collaborators, for his passing away.
I have fond memories of Helmuth, and we collaborated in the period 2005-2006. We wrote two papers together.

Maarten Biesheuvel

Laura Hartmann, Stephan Schmidt (Institut für Organische und Makromolekulare Chemie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
Date: 03.04.2018 14:02

Liebe Familie Möhwald, Liebe Freunde und Kollegen von Helmuth Möhwald,

mit großer Bestürzung haben wir von Helmuths plötzlichem Tod gehört. Wir hatten gerade noch Pläne für das Alumni-Fest gemacht und uns auf das Wiedersehen gefreut.

Helmuth Möhwald hat uns beide in verschiedenen Abschnitten unserer Ausbildung und unseres Werdegangs begleitet und war uns ein wichtiger Lehrer und Mentor. Wir werden Ihn sehr vermissen. Die Erinnerung an Ihn als Mensch und Wissenschaftler wird uns aber auch weiterhin begleiten und inspirieren. Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar.

In tiefer Anteilnahme,
Laura Hartmann und Stephan Schmidt

Nobuo Kimizuka (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kyushu University)
Date: 04.04.2018 03:52

I'm sorry to hear about prof. Helmuth Möhwald's passing.
May his soul rest in peace.

Nobuo Kimizuka​

Pedro Blecua
Date: 04.04.2018 05:23

Dear Dr. Möhwald,

Let your journey to eternity begin.

You will always be remembered as a wonderful person, excellent teacher and, last but not least, an enthusiast of the beautiful game.

Rest In Peace, maestro.


Alessandra Gliozzi (Genoa University, Italy)
Date: 04.04.2018 09:28

I’m deeply grieved by the death of Helmuth Moehwald. We have been together in many European projects and there was great collaboration between his group and our small group in Genoa. He was a wonderful, intelligent and generous person and would still have given many fundamental contributions in the field of interface research. We have lost a friend and a great scientist.

Alessandra Gliozzi retired professor of Physics, Genoa University. Italy 

Alexander Böker und die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Fraunhofer IAP
Date: 04.04.2018 10:05

Wir trauern um Professor Helmuth Möhwald.

Über das plötzliche Ableben von Professor Helmuth Möhwald sind wir sehr betroffen. Wir werden ihn immer als hochkarätigen Grundlagenwissenschaftler, erfolgreichen Direktor des MPI-KG und langjährigen Unterstützer des Fraunhofer IAP in Erinnerung behalten.

Über viele Jahre hat Helmuth Möhwald das Fraunhofer IAP als Kurator begleitet, beraten und damit die Entwicklung des Instituts vorangebracht. Sehr gern erinnern wir uns an die Fußballspiele auf dem Campus, bei denen er immer ein fairer und anspruchsvoller Trainingspartner und Gegner war. Seinen Mitmenschen begegnete er immer auf Augenhöhe.

Unser aufrichtiges und tiefes Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie und den Angehörigen.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Böker
und die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Fraunhofer IAP

Institutsleitung und Mitarbeiter des Fraunhofer IZI-BB
Date: 04.04.2018 11:10

Die Nachricht vom Tode Helmuth Möhwalds hat bei uns als Nachbarn am Wissenschaftscampus Golm große Betroffenheit und Trauer ausgelöst. Seinen Mitarbeitern und Kollegen am Institut möchten wir unsere Anteilnahme bekunden. Mit Helmuth Möhwald verlieren wir einen herausragenden Wissenschaftler und einen Kollegen für den Zugewandtheit, Fürsorge, Verantwortungsgefühl, Transparenz und Teamgeist die Grundlagen erfolgreicher wissenschaftlicher Arbeit waren. Wir alle, die das Glück hatten mit Helmuth Möhwald zusammenzuarbeiten, sich mit ihm auszutauschen oder mit ihm einfach Fussball zu spielen, spüren den Verlust eines besonderen Menschens.

Institutsleitung und Mitarbeiter des Fraunhofer IZI-BB

Juan J. Giner-Casares (University of Córdoba, Spain)
Date: 04.04.2018 11:38

Dear all,

This is such a great loss that it is difficult to even imagine how the community will manage without Prof. Möhwald raising his hand and asking wise and insightful questions in his characteristic good mood. He was always there to give answers and provide guidance. Moreover, all discussions with him ended with the feeling of having witnessed a deeper thinking than most of us will ever have. My gratitude for Prof. Möhwald has only increased with the passage of time. I realize his advices has greatly contributed to what I am now, from the work in monolayers to his suggestion of working in the group of Prof. Dr. Luis Liz-Marzán as the next step after MPI.

Much more than a research mentor.

Que la tierra te sea leve, Profesor.

Dr. Juan J. Giner-Casares (University of Córdoba, Spain)

Maurizio Canepa (University of Genova, Italy)
Date: 04.04.2018 12:49

It is sad and hard to hear of Helmuth's passing.
I can't find words.  We all remember him always very active.  He leaves a great legacy in all the fields in which he worked in his long career, full of scientific achievements.

Maurizio Canepa

Dmitry Grigoriev (Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung IAP)
Date: 05.04.2018 11:39

Professor Helmuth Möhwald war ein exzellenter und weltberühmter Wissenschaftler, war aber überhaupt nicht arrogant und unterstützte immer seine jüngeren Kollegen mit Rat und Tat als weiser Mentor und taktvoller Doktorvater. Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass er nicht mehr zusammen mit uns ist... So schnell und absolut unerwartet ist er heimgegangen… Ich bin schockiert und sehr traurig!

Ruhe in Frieden, Helmuth Möhwald!

Mein tiefstes Beileid an die Familie.

Dmitry Grigoriev

Rania Akari (NanoCraft Coating GmbH, Engen)
Date: 05.04.2018 12:09

Sehr geehrte Fachkollegen,

wir möchten Ihnen Allen unser tiefstes Mitgefühl zum Tod von Helmuth Möhwald ausdrücken. Es gibt nichts, was uns die Abwesenheit eines geliebten Menschen ersetzen kann. Herr Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Möhwald hat 2000/2001 in seiner Eigenschaft als Direktor des Max-Planck-Institutes für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung in Potsdam/Golm in Zusammenarbeit mit dem leider viel zu früh verstorbenen Dr. Sabri Akari die Ausgründung der damaligen NanoCraft GbR, der heutigen NanoCraft Coating GmbH, ermöglicht. Im Namen der Belegschaft möchten wir Herrn Möhwald dafür noch einmal ganz herzlich danken.

best regards/ mit freundlichen Grüssen

Rania Akari

Andreas F. Thünemann (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM), Berlin)
Date: 05.04.2018 14:42

Liebe Angehörige von Helmuth Möhwald, liebe Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des MPI-KGF,

mit Bestürzung habe ich vom plötzlichen Tod von Prof. Möhwald erfahren und möchte Ihnen mein herzliches Beileid aussprechen. Herr Möhwald hat meine Gruppe und mich in einer wichtigen Phase meiner Laufbahn massiv unterstützt. Maßgeblich beteiligt war er an der umfangreichen Förderung der ersten gemeinsame Nachwuchsgruppe zwischen MPG und Fraunhofer. Dafür bin ich ihm zu großem Dank verpflichtet. Auch erinnere ich mich an viele fruchtbare Diskussionen, von denen mir so Manches noch eindrücklich im Gedächtnis verblieben ist.

In stiller Trauer

Andreas Thünemann
Mitarbeiter der Abteilung Kolloidchemie 1995 - 2000

Agnes von Matuschka (Standortmanagerin, Wissenschaftspark Potsdam-Golm)
Date: 05.04.2018 15:16

Liebes Direktorium, liebe Mitarbeiter/innen des MPI-KG,

im Namen des Standortmanagements des Wissenschaftspark Potsdam-Golm sprechen wir unser herzliches Beileid zum Tod von Helmuth Möhwald aus. Er hat sich unermüdlich für den Standort und die Entwicklung von Golm eingesetzt und wird uns als herausragender Wissenschaftler in Erinnerung bleiben.

In Gedanken sind wir auch bei der Familie.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Agnes von Matuschka

Christine DeWolf (Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Date: 05.04.2018 15:40

It is with great sadness that I write this upon hearing of the sudden passing of Prof. Helmuth Möhwald. His impact on us all goes well beyond his extensive, influential and insightful scientific contributions as he served as a great leader and mentor to many scientists working in this field today. I shall always remember him generous, humorous and down-to-earth person and as a mentor who cared deeply about everyone working in the institute, who always took the time to discuss with and encourage students and of course as a great footballer. Prof. Möhwald and my time at MPIKG will always have a special in my memories.

Prof. Möhwald will be greatly missed by many. I extend my condolences to his immediate family and to his scientific “family” that extends worldwide.

Christine DeWolf

Ingeborg Bartsch
Date: 05.04.2018 16:55

Die Nachricht von Prof. Helmuth Moehwalds Tod hat auch mich sehr erschüttert. Ich hatte viele Jahre das Glück in seiner Abteilung zu arbeiten. Ich denke, man kann sagen, dass er durch seine positive Ausstrahlung, seinen Humor sowie durch seine großzügige und dynamische Art das Gesicht der ganzen Abteilung geprägt hat. Das Arbeiten hat Spaß gemacht und ich denke an ihn mit großer Dankbarkeit und Zuneigung.

Mein tiefempfundenes Beileid gilt seiner Familie.

Ingeborg Bartsch

Radostina Georgieva (Institute of Transfusion Medicine, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
Date: 06.04.2018 15:43

Mehr als eine Woche ist vergangen seit mich die traurige Nachricht erreicht hat und ich kann es immer noch nicht fassen. Es ist so traurig, man kann es nicht beschreiben und es wird noch lange weh tun.

Viel zu früh hat die Wissenschaft einen herausragenden Denker verloren, aber wir Alle, die Professor Möhwald kannten, haben einen großartigen Menschen verloren, der uns so viel gegeben hat. Ich bin dankbar für die wissenschaftliche Inspiration und für die vielen Diskussionen, für die unvergesslichen Sommerschulen aber auch für die einzigartige Atmosphäre in der Grenzflächenabteilung.

Liebe Annelie und Ulrike,

ich wage es mir nicht im Geringsten auszumalen wie tief euch dieser Verlust trifft. Mein tiefstes Beileid gilt Euch.

Radostina Georgieva

Marc Nolte
Date: 06.04.2018 22:46

Dear Mrs Möhwald, family, friends and former colleagues,

the message about Helmuth Möhwald’s death hit me, as it was so unexpected. I enjoyed the time I could spend at the institute doing my PhD very much, and experienced Prof. Möhwald’s open mind in scientific discussions as well as in personal communications during my time at the institute and later in my career.

I will always keep him in my mind. My condolences to his family, his friends and everybody who deeply regret this sad loss.

Marc Nolte

Barbara Schneider (Fakultätsgeschäftsführerin der Math.-Nat. Fakultät der Universität Potsdam, Geschäftsführerin des Leibniz-Kollegs Potsdam)
Date: 12.04.2018 16:00

Sehr geehrte Familie Möhwald, liebe Mitglieder des MPI-KG,

mein herzliches Beileid zu Ihrem großen Verlust. Helmuth Möhwald wird uns allen fehlen. Er hat als  Gründungsdirektor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung und Honorarprofessor an der Universität Potsdam ganz wesentlich zum Aufbau des Wissenschaftsparks Golm und der Math.-Nat. Fakultät beigetragen. Es war mir persönlich eine Freude, mit ihm auch beim Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam zusammenzuarbeiten und ich bin dankbar für diese Zeit .

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Barbara Schneider

Stefan Kirstein (Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Date: 14.04.2018 15:37

Dear Mrs. Möhwald with family, dear members of MPI-KG,

my condolences come late - I know, but this message left me speechless at first.

There are so many memories, really good memories, of all the times when I had the luck to be in contact with Prof. Helmuth Möhwald - and they make me very grateful in retrospect.

It all started in Munich more than 30 years ago, where I was at least as fascinated by its personality as by its science, so I embarked on the adventure of science.

He was always supervisor and mentor, but beyond that role model. I have always seen him open to new ideas, constructive criticism and new inspirations. He was always full of curiosity and creative urge. I have always admired his open-mindedness and his deep interest in nature and his fellow human beings - to the point of how he could characterize other people by comparison with well-known soccer players. He was able to give his working groups a special spirit, not least because he wanted to support other people in every way, including personally.

Last but not least, I liked the warm-hearted lovely way he spoke about his wife and daughter. He always knew where he was at home.

I will miss him. But the best way to remember him is through trying to make him a role model and looking to the future with optimism, as he always did!

In mourning with heartfelt condolences.

Stefan Kirstein


Liebe Frau Möhwald mit Familie, liebe Mitglieder des MPI-KG,

meine Beileidsbekundungen kommen spät - ich weiß, aber diese Nachricht ließ mich zunächst sprachlos zurück.

Es gibt so viele Erinnerungen, wirklich gute Erinnerungen, an all die Zeiten, in denen ich das Glück hatte mit Prof. Helmuth Möhwald in Kontakt zu stehen - und sie machen mich im Rückblick sehr dankbar.

Alles begann in München vor mehr als 30 Jahren, wo ich von seiner Persönlichkeit mindestens genauso fasziniert war wie von seiner Wissenschaft, so dass ich mich auf das Abenteuer Wissenschaft einließ.

Stets war er dann Betreuer und Mentor, aber darüber hinaus Vorbild. Ich habe ihn immer offen für neue Ideen, konstruktive Kritik und neue Inspirationen erlebt. Er war stets voller Neugier und Gestaltungsdrang. Ich bewunderte stets seine Aufgeschlossenheit und sein tiefes Interesse an der Natur und seinen Mitmenschen - bis zu dem Punkt, wie er andere Menschen charakterisieren konnte durch Vergleich mit bekannten Fußballspielern. Er konnte seinen Arbeitsgruppen einen besonderen Geist verleihen, nicht zuletzt, weil er andere Menschen in jeder Weise unterstützen wollte, auch persönlich.

Nicht zuletzt mochte ich die warmherzige und liebevolle Art, wie er über seine Frau und seine Tochter sprach. Er wusste immer, wo er zu Hause ist.

Ich werde ihn vermissen. Aber der beste Weg, ihn zu erinnern, ist sicher durch den Versuch sich ihn zum Vorbild zu machen und so optimistisch in die Zukunft zu blicken, wie er das stets tat!

In großer Trauer mit herzlichem Beileid.
Stefan Kirstein

Marie-Hélène Ropers (INRA, Research Unit BIA, Nantes, France)
Date: 18.04.2018 11:01

Please accept my condolences on the passing of Prof. Dr. Helmut Möhwald. It was an honor to have known such a great person and the scientific community will truly miss him.

Marie-Hélène Ropers

Lars Dähne (Surflay Nanotec GmbH)
Date: 20.04.2018 18:16

Der Tod von Professor Helmuth Möhwald hat mich sehr getroffen. In dem Zusammenhang  möchte ich auf die tolle Aufnahme, Arbeitsaufgabe und -atmosphäre im MPI hinweisen, die mir damals von Prof. Möhwald geboten wurde und aus der schließlich eine lange Karriere in den folgenden 20 Jahren meines Arbeitslebens geworden ist. Ich werde ihm dafür immer dankbar sein und ihn nie vergessen. Ich wünsche seiner Frau und Tochter viel Kraft, den Verlust zu überstehen.

Lars Dähne

Ali Abou-Hassan (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France)
Date: 26.04.2018 09:53

Prof. Möhwald was and will always  be a great scientist and teacher for me and for the next generations. We will keep spreading his science and his vision of a multidisciplinary science. I will always remember his Humanity and generosity and all the great discussions dealing with many topics including science or not, we had together!

Ali Abou-Hassan

Liying Wang (BASF Corporation, North America)
Date: 27.04.2018 23:58

In Remembrance of Prof. Möhwald

This is shocking news for all of us. Like all of you here, we would wish we have never received the email saying “Prof. Möhwald passed away” so we can still make a plan to visit him or schedule a time to talk to him…It seems like he is still sitting in his office and nothing has changed, his voice, his smile, and himself…

To all of us from MPIKG, he will be remembered as an outstanding mentor, a visionary leader and an inspiring adviser. To our Academic Society, he will be remembered as an exceptional scientist with significant contributions and accomplishments to the field of Colloids and Interfaces as well as other research fields, documented and reflected by many awards and honors, by his publications and his international reputation.

To me and his students, he will also be remembered as an old friend. Whenever you chat with him in the hallway, in the football field, in our summer barbecue, in our Gust House... he’s our best friend. Who could forget our time with him at our summer school in Malta, in Zhuhai...at our International Colloid Conferences in Paris, in Germany?

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family. His amazing personality and life will always be remembered by us.

Liying Wang

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