6th Bubble and Drop Interfaces (B&D2015)
- Beginn: 06.07.2015 09:00
- Ende: 10.07.2015 18:00
- Vortragende(r): Plenary Speakers: A. Wilhelm Neumann (Toronto, CANADA), Makoto Aratono (Fukuoka, JAPAN), Miguel A. Cabrerizo Vilchez (Granada, SPAIN), Libero Liggieri (Genoa, ITALY), Stanislav S. Dukhin (Goldens Bridge, USA)
- Invited Speakers: Alidad Amirfazli - York University (Toronto, CANADA) Boris Noskov - St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Catherine P. Whitby - Massey University (Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND) David A. Beattie - University of South Australia (Adelaide, AUSTRALIA) Emiliy Zholkovskij - Institute of Bio-Colloid Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, UKRAINE) Hubert Motschmann - University of Regensburg (Regensburg, GERMANY) Kerstin Eckert - TU Dresden (Dresden, GERMANY) Marta Krasowska - University of South Australia (Adelaide, AUSTRALIA) Michele Ferrari - CNR-IENI (Genova, ITALY) Victor Starov - Loughborough University (Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM) Volodymyr Kovalchuk - Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Kiev, UKRAINE) Yi Zuo - University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu, USA)
- Ort: Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Wissenschaftspark Potsdam-Golm, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam
- Raum: Hörsaal (Zentralgebäude)
- Gastgeber: Dr. habil. Reinhard Miller, Dr. Jürgen Krägel, Jooyoung Won
- Kontakt: bd2015@mpikg.mpg.de
After B&D workshops in Empoli (1995), Genoa/Italy (2004), Granada/Spain (2007), Thessaloniki/Greece (2009) and Krakow/Poland (2012) we have the 6th B&D workshop now in 2015 in Potsdam/Golm, Germany. Although the first meeting in Empoli was a great scientific success it took 9 years to realize that such a topic is attractive to quite a large community and provides a lot of things to be discussed on a regular basis. Since then, the first workshop became the starting point for a series of workshops with increasing interest. Still, we can call these meetings workshops although we have two parallel sessions with the two COST actions CM1101 and MP1106. Anyway, we hope to enjoy hot discussions of open questions and non-ready work. The B&D 2015 workshop will hopefully continue the successful tradition of the former meeting and provide the platform for fruitful discussions of experts from academia and industry.