Architectured Materials Across Scales
Workshop – Day 01
- Date: Dec 13, 2023
- Time: 08:50 AM - 07:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: Harnack Haus, Ihnestrasse 16-20, 14195 Berlin
- Room: Meitner Hall
- Host: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Fratzl, MPIKG; Prof. Juri Estrin, Monash University

The workshop will bring together scientists, engineers, architects and designers. The goal is to discuss the role of structure in (re-)defining active and adaptive material properties from the nanoscale to the dimensions of a building. The workshop will include renowned international speakers, as well as researchers from the Max Planck Institute in Potsdam, the Cluster of Excellence »Matters of Actvity« as well as the weissensee school of art and design berlin. If you are interested in participating, please register under the registration link and indicate if you are applying with a poster or object.