Main Focus
Antonio is currently interested in combining inorganic particles with Chitin Nanocrystals for optical and photonic applications. He is particularly interested in:
- Using Chitin Nanocrystals thin films as chiral template for inorganic particles with interesting optical properties such as plasmonic particles.
Studying how the self-assembly of Chitin Nanocrystals works, specifically the origin of the chiral nematic phase
Left - Schematic image of co-assembly of inorganic particles with Chitin Nanocrystals in a chiral nematic phase.
Right - SEM image of a cross-section of a dry Chitin Nanocrystals film, revealing the periodic helicoidal structure created by the self-assembly process.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Antonio Carone is a postdoctoral scientist in the Department of Sustainable and Bio-inspired Materials, headed by Prof. Silvia Vignolini, at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces.
Dr. Antonio Carone graduated with a degree in Chemistry from the University of Padova (Italy) in 2019. He later defended his Ph.D. in Nanomaterial Science at the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon (France) in 2022, where he worked under the supervision of Prof. Stéphane Parola on the synthesis and self-assembly of chiral plasmonic nanoparticles. In 2023, he joined the Sustainable and Bioinspired Materials department as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. His research is primarily centered on investigating self-assembly and self-organization in soft matter systems at the nanoscale to study their collective properties.
Related Publications
Carone, Antonio & Mariani, Pablo & Désert, Anthony & Parola, Stephane. (2023). Colloidal Assemblies of Chiral Plasmonic Nanoparticles Induce Tunable Circular Dichroism Response. Advanced Optical Materials.
Carone, Antonio & Emilsson, Samuel & Mariani, Pablo & Désert, Anthony & Parola, Stephane. (2023). Gold nanoparticle shape dependence of colloidal stability domains. Nanoscale Advances. 5.
Carone, Antonio & Mariani, Pablo & Désert, Anthony & Romanelli, Marco & Marcheselli, Jacopo & Garavelli, Marco & Corni, Stefano & Rivalta, Ivan & Parola, Stephane. (2022). Insight on Chirality Encoding from Small Thiolated Molecule to Plasmonic Au@Ag and Au@Au Nanoparticles. ACS Nano.
Carone, Antonio. (2022). Synthesis and self-assembly of anisotropic and chiral noble metal nanostructures. ENS of Lyon, France.