Publikationen von Markus S. Miettinen
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Zeitschriftenartikel (34)
20 (10), S. 4325 - 4337 (2024)
Evaluating polarizable biomembrane simulations against experiments. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2.
15, 10793 (2024)
Integrative determination of the atomic structure of mutant huntingtin exon 1 fibrils implicated in Huntington’s disease. Nature Communications 3.
33 (5), e4989 (2024)
Functional in vitro diversity of an intrinsically disordered plant protein during freeze–thawing is encoded by its structural plasticity. Protein Science 4.
15, 1136 (2024)
Overlay databank unlocks data-driven analyses of biomolecules for all. Nature Communications 5.
13 (6), 926 (2023)
Leaflet tensions control the spatio-temporal remodeling of lipid bilayers and nanovesicles. Biomolecules 6.
19 (36), S. 6929 - 6944 (2023)
Probing the elastic response of lipid bilayers and nanovesicles to leaflet tensions via volume per lipid. Soft Matter 7.
121, S. 68 - 78 (2022)
Rotational decoupling between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions in lipid membranes. Biophysical Journal 8.
19 (6), S. 1839 - 1852 (2022)
Probing the link between pancratistatin and mitochondrial apoptosis through changes in the membrane dynamics on the nanoscale. Molecular Pharmaceutics 9.
61 (2), S. 938 - 949 (2021)
Using open data to rapidly benchmark biomolecular simulations: phospholipid conformational dynamics. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 10.
143 (34), S. 13701 - 13706 (2021)
Inverse conformational selection in lipid–protein binding. Journal of the American Chemical Society 11.
21 (8), 2794 (2020)
Similar yet different–structural and functional diversity among Arabidopsis thaliana LEA_4 proteins. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12.
116 (3), S. 91A - 91A (2019)
LDB: lipid databank from the NMRlipids project. Biophysical Journal 13.
123 (43), S. 9066 - 9079 (2019)
Headgroup Structure and Cation Binding in Phosphatidylserine Lipid Bilayers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 14.
19 (8), S. 5011 - 5016 (2019)
Bilayer membranes with frequent flip-flops have tensionless leaflets. Nanoletters 15.
115 (22), S. 5756 - 5761 (2018)
The glycolipid GM1 reshapes asymmetric biomembranes and giant vesicles by curvature generation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 16.
34 (38), S. 11364 - 11373 (2018)
Meniscus shape around nanoparticles embedded in molecularly thin liquid films. Langmuir 17.
18 (47), S. 32560 - 32569 (2016)
Molecular electrometer and binding of cations to phospholipid bilayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18.
119 (49), S. 15075 - 15088 (2015)
Toward Atomistic Resolution Structure of Phosphatidylcholine Headgroup and Glycerol Backbone at Different Ambient Conditions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 19.
119 (13), S. 4565 - 4574 (2015)
Unfolding and folding internal friction of beta-hairpins is smaller than that of alpha-helices. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 20.
55 (3), S. 495 - 500 (2015)
Coiled-coils in phage display screening: insight into exceptional selectivity provided by molecular dynamics. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling