Publications of Clemens N. Z. Schmitt

Journal Article (19)

Journal Article
Wolff, J. O.; Ashley, L. J.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Heu, C.; Denkova, D.; Jani, M.; Řezáčová, V.; Blamires, S. J.; Gorb, S. N.; Garb, J. et al.; Goodacre, S. L.; Řezáč, M.: From fibres to adhesives: evolution of spider capture threads from web anchors by radical changes in silk gland function. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 21 (216), 20240123 (2024)
Journal Article
Pérez-Huerta, A.; Brugal, J.-P.; Salomé, M.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Dauphin, Y.: Integrated information on the structure and composition of the ostrich eggshell (Struthio camelus). Minerals 13 (4), 481 (2023)
Journal Article
Raguin, E.; Weinkamer, R.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Curcuraci, L.; Fratzl, P.: Logistics of bone mineralization in the chick embryo studied by 3D cryo FIB-SEM imaging. Advanced Science 10 (22), 2301231 (2023)
Journal Article
Albéric, M.; Zolotoyabko, E.; Späker, O.; Li, C.; Tadayon, M.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Politi, Y.; Bertinetti, L.; Fratzl, P.: Heat-mediated micro- and nano-pore evolution in sea urchin biominerals. Crystal Growth & Design 22 (6), pp. 3727 - 3739 (2022)
Journal Article
Späker, O.; Taylor, G.; Wilts, B.; Slabý, T.; Abdel-Rahman, M. A. K.; Scoppola, E.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Sztucki, M.; Liu, J.; Bertinetti, L. et al.; Wagermaier, W.; Scholtz, G.; Fratzl, P.; Politi, Y.: Gradients of orientation, composition and hydration of proteins for efficient light collection by the cornea of the horseshoe crab. Advanced Science 9 (33), 2203371 (2022)
Journal Article
Koopman, W.; Titov, E.; Sarhan, R. M.; Gaebel, T.; Schürmann, R.; Mostafa, A.; Kogikoski Jr., S.; Milosavljević, A. R.; Stete, F.; Liebig, F. et al.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Koetz, J.; Bald, I.; Saalfrank, P.; Bargheer, M.: The role of structural flexibility in plasmon-driven coupling reactions: kinetic limitations in the dimerization of nitro-benzenes. Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (22), 2101344 (2021)
Journal Article
Koopman, W.; Sarhan, R. M.; Stete, F.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Bargheer, M.: Decoding the kinetic limitations of plasmon catalysis: the case of 4-nitrothiophenol dimerization. Nanoscale 12 (48), pp. 24411 - 24418 (2020)
Journal Article
Liebig, F.; Sarhan, R. M.; Bargheer, M.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Poghosyan, A. H.; Shahinyan, A. A.; Koetz, J.: Spiked gold nanotriangles: formation, characterization and applications in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and plasmon-enhanced catalysis. RSC Advances 10 (14), pp. 8152 - 8160 (2020)
Journal Article
Liebig, F.; Sarhan, R. M.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Thünemann, A. F.; Prietzel, C.; Bargheer, M.; Koetz, J.: Gold nanotriangles with crumble topping and their influence on catalysis and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. ChemPlusChem 85 (3), pp. 519 - 526 (2020)
Journal Article
Zhang, J.; Gim, S.; Paris, G.; Dallabernardina, P.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Eickelmann, S.; Löffler, F. F.: Ultrasonic-assisted synthesis of highly defined silver nanodimers by self-assembly for improved surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Chemistry – A European Journal 26 (6), pp. 1243 - 1248 (2020)
Journal Article
Liebig, F.; Henning, R.; Sarhan, R. M.; Prietzel, C.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Bargheer, M.; Koetz, J.: A simple one-step procedure to synthesise gold nanostars in concentrated aqueous surfactant solutions. RSC Advances 9 (41), pp. 23663 - 23641 (2019)
Journal Article
Sarhan, R. M.; Koopman, W.; Pudell, J.; Stete, F.; Rössle, M.; Herzog, M.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Liebig, F.; Koetz, J.; Bargheer, M.: Scaling-Up Nano-Plasmon Catalysis: The Role of Heat Dissipation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (14), pp. 9352 - 9357 (2019)
Journal Article
Becker, C.; Dick, J.T.A.; Cunningham, E.M.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Sigwart, J.D.: The crustacean cuticle does not record chronological age: new evidence from the gastric mill ossicles. Arthropod Structure & Development 47 (5), pp. 498 - 512 (2018)
Journal Article
Liebig, F.; Sarhan, R. M.; Prietzel, C.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Bargheer, M.; Koetz, J.: Tuned surface enhanced raman scattering performance of undulated Au@Ag triangles. ACS Applied Nano Materials 1 (4), pp. 1995 - 2003 (2018)
Journal Article
Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Politi, Y.; Reinecke, A.; Harrington, M. J.: Role of sacrificial protein−metal bond exchange in mussel byssal thread self-healing. Biomacromolecules 16 (9), pp. 2852 - 2861 (2015)
Journal Article
Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Winter, A.; Bertinetti, L.; Masic, A.; Strauch, P.; Harrington, M. J.: Mechanical homeostasis of a DOPA-enriched biological coating from mussels in response to metal variation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (110), 20150466 (2015)
Journal Article
Guerette, P. A.; Tay, G. Z.; Hoon, S.; Loke, J. J.; Hermawan, A. F.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Harrington, M. J.; Masic, A.; Karunaratne, A.; Gupta, H. S. et al.; Tan, K. S.; Schwaighofer, A.; Nowak, C.; Miserez, A.: Integrative and comparative analysis of coiled-coil based marine snail egg cases - a model for biomimetic elastomers. Biomaterials Science 2 (5), pp. 710 - 722 (2014)
Journal Article
Thielen, M.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Eckert, S.; Speck, T.; Seidel, R.: Structure–function relationship of the foam-like pomelo peel (Citrus maxima)—an inspiration for the development of biomimetic damping materials with high energy dissipation. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 8 (2), 025001 (2013)
Journal Article
Maier, V. H.; Schmitt, C. N. Z.; Gudmundsdottir, S.; Gudmundsson, G. H.: Bacterial DNA indicated as an important inducer of fish cathelicidins. Molecular Immunology 45 (8), pp. 2352 - 2358 (2008)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Masselter, T.; Barthlott, W.; Bauer, G.; Bertling, J.; Cichy, F.; Ditsche-Kuru, P.; Gallenmüller, F.; Gude, M.; Haushahn, T.; Hermann, M. et al.; Immink, H.; Knippers, J.; Lienhard, J.; Luchsinger, R.; Lunz, K.; Mattheck, C.; Milwich, M.; Mölders, N.; Neinhuis, C.; Nellesen, A.; Poppinga, S.; Rechberger, M.; Schleicher, S.; Schmitt, C.; Schwager, H.; Seidel, R.; Speck, O.; Stegmaier, T.; Tesari, I.; Thielen, M.; Speck, T.: Biomimetic products. In: Biomimetics – Nature Based Innovation, pp. 377 - 429 (Ed. Bar-Cohen, Y.). CRC Press, Boca Raton (2011)
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