Sustainable Solvents for Green Processes

Publikationen von Marina Sturm

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Sturm, M.; Gutowski, O.; Brezesinski, G.: The influence of calcium traces in ultrapure water on the lateral organization in tetramyristoyl cardiolipoin monolayers. ChemPhysChem 20 (11), S. 1521 - 1526 (2019)
Isabettini, S.; Massabni, S.; Kohlbrecher, J.; Schuler, L. D.; Walde, P.; Sturm, M.; Windhab, E. J.; Fischer, P.; Kuster, S.: Understanding the enhanced magnetic response of aminocholesterol doped lanthanide-ion chelating phospholipid bicelles. Langmuir 33 (34), S. 8533 - 8544 (2017)
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