Home Research Theory & Bio-Systems Research Groups Former Research Groups Former Research Groups Solid Interfaces Dr. Hans Riegler [more] Multiscale Modelling Dr. Andrea Grafmüller [more] Dynamics of Bio-Membranes Dr. Roland Knorr [more] Soft Matter Simulations Dr. Ana Vila Verde [more] High-Fidelity Biomolecular Modelling Dr. Markus Miettinen [more] Carbohydrates and Polysaccharides Dr. Mark Santer [more] Biomicrofluidic Systems Dr. Tom Robinson [more] Biomolecular Processes Dr. Sophia Rudorf [more] Regulation of Bio-processes Dr. Stefan Klumpp [more] Polymers and Polyelectrolytes Dr. Christian Seidel [more] Former research groups of this department, who continue their research in other departments of the MPIKG Stochastic Processes in Complex and Biological Systems Dr. Angelo Valleriani more Proteins and Membranes (nka: Computational Biophysics) Dr. Thomas Weikl more