Organizational structure
Executive board
The executive board manages the Research School. It is constituted by:
Speaker of the IMPRS
Prof Peter Fratzl
Head of the Department of Biomaterials
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Vice-speaker of the IMPRS
Prof Svetlana Santer
Chair of Experimental Physics
Institute of Physics and Astronomy
University of Potsdam
Coordinator of the IMPRS
Dr Angelo Valleriani
Department of Theory and Bio-Systems
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Steering committee
The steering committee of the IMPRS is composed by the executive board, and by four additional representatives, one from each participating institution, and by the students representative. These are:
Prof Peter H. Seeberger
Head of the Department of Biomolecular Systems
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Prof Silke Leimkuehler
Chair of Molecular Enzymology
Institute of Biology and Biochemistry
University of Potsdam
Prof Joachim Heberle
Chair of Experimental Molecular Biophysics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Free University Berlin
Prof Juergen Rabe
Chair of Macromolecular Physics
Institute of Physics
Humboldt University Berlin