
Publikationen von Venkata Amarnadh Surapaneni

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Surapaneni, V. A.; Blumer, M. J.; Tadayon, K.; McIvor, A.; Redl, S.; Honis, H.-R.; Mollen, F. H.; Amini, S.; Dean, M. N.: Ribbontail stingray skin employs a core–shell photonic glass ultrastructure to make blue structural color. Advanced Optical Materials 12 (12), 2301909 (2024)
Surapaneni, V. A.; Schindler, M.; Ziege, R.; de Faria, L. C.; Wölfer, J.; Bidan, C. M.; Mollen, F. H.; Amini, S.; Hanna, S.; Dean, M. N.: Groovy and gnarly: surface wrinkles as a multifunctional motif for terrestrial and marine environments. Integrative and Comparative Biology 62 (3), S. 749 - 761 (2022)
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