Humboldt Research Award winner to visit MPI of Colloids and Interfaces
Professor Timothy Swager is the recipient of a Humboldt Research Award, worth 60.000 EUR. The renowned American chemist will conduct research period in the Department of Biomolecular Systems directed by Professor Peter H. Seeberger starting in September 2014.

Timothy Swager is internationally recognized as one of the most important and innovative experts in the field of chemical materials science. He is a John D. MacArthur Professor of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The focus of his work is on synthetic, supramolecular, analytical, and materials chemistry. Swager is interested in a spectrum of topics with an emphasis on the synthesis and construction of functional assemblies. Together with Professor Peter H. Seeberger, Director of the Department of Biomolecular Systems, Swager will develop highly sensitive detection methods of biomolecules in biological systems.
He is well known for the development of so called molecular wires. Here tiny, single molecules function as nanoelectric devices. They could be the basis for novel chemical sensors. But also the field of electronic polymers is one that Swagers group is well known for having made many innovations. Just recently the team launched an effort on creating functionalized carbon nanotubes and graphenes. They have advanced new chemical methods for their functionalization and utilization in electrocatalysis, chemical and radiation sensing. Such carbon nanotubes are very thin but hollow cylinders made of carbon atoms. They are stronger than steel, but much more lightweight and very flexible. Earlier, Prof. Swager developed an extremely sensitive sensor for the explosive TNT that is now used globally. For this development he received numerous awards.
Humboldt Research Award
The award is granted in recognition of a researcher's entire achievements to date to academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in the future.
Academics from abroad, regardless of their discipline or nationality, may be nominated for a Humboldt Research Award. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation particularly encourages the nomination of qualified female academics.
Award winners are invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany. The stay may be divided up into blocks.
The Humboldt Foundation grants up to 100 Humboldt Research Awards annually.
Nominations may be submitted by established academics in Germany. Nominations may also be initiated by award winners of the Humboldt Foundation working abroad, provided that the nomination is made jointly with a colleague working in Germany. Direct applications are not accepted. The award is valued at 60,000 EUR