Inhalt Zweijahresbericht 01/02
Kapitel 1
Rückschau – Die ersten elf Jahre
Das Forschungsprogramm des Max-Planck-Institutes für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung
Wissenschaftliche Beziehungen
International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Biomimetic Systems
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Kapitel 2
Colloid Chemistry
Research in the Department of Colloid Chemistry, Prof. M. Antonietti
Heterophase Polymerization
Miniemulsions, Dr. K. Landfester
Heterophase Polymerization, Dr. K. Tauer
Polyelectrolytes and their Complexes
Ionic Self-Assembly: Facile Route for the Production of Functional Nanostructured Materials, Dr. C. Faul
Amphiphilic Polymers
Bioorganic-Synthetic Hybrid Polymers as Molecular LEGO®-Bricks, Dr. H. Börner
Biomimetic Mineralization, Dr. H. Cölfen
Amphiphilic Block Copolymers, Dr. H. Schlaad
Mesoporous Materials by Nanocasting and Nanocoating
Porous Materials via Nanocasting Procedures: Innovative Materials and Learning about Soft-matter Organization, Prof. M. Antonietti
Templating Strategies to Fabricate Controlled Morphology Networks, Dr. R. Caruso
Modern Techniques of Colloid Analysis
Fractionating Colloid Analysis, Dr. H. Cölfen
Electron Microscopic Studies of Colloidal Systems, Dr. J. Hartmann
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), Static Light Scattering (SLS), Dr. G. Rother
Modern Methods of Light Scattering, Dr. R. Sigel
Independent Research Group Surfactant Adsorption Layers
Adsorption Properties of Surfactants at Fluid and Solid Interfaces, Dr. K. Lunkenheimer
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Research in the Department of Interfaces, Prof. H: Möhwald
(Quasi) planar Interfaces - Fluid Interfaces
Interactions in Complex Monolayers, Dr. G. Brezesinski
Analysis – Synthesis – Purification of Amphiphiles, Dr. G. Czichocki
Static and Dynamic Peculiarities of Two Dimensional Systems (Langmuir Monolayers), Dr. T. Fischer
Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Dilational Rheology of Interfacial Layers, Dr. R. Miller
Molecular Organization in Soluble Monolayers and Functional Films, Dr. H. Motschmann
Thin Liquid Films, Dr. H.-J. Müller
Supramolecular Organization of Amphiphilic Monolayers, Prof. D. Vollhardt
Rheological Properties of Fluid Interfaces, Dr. K.-D. Wantke
Non-planar Interfaces
Nanostructured Interfaces and Materials, Prof. F. Caruso
Mechanics and Adhesion of Capsules and Strongly Deformable Colloids, Dr. A. Fery
Modular Materials: From Dynamic to Nanotechnological Devices, Dr. D. G. Kurth
Bioinspired Control of Electrical and Optical Properties of Interfaces, Prof. H. Möhwald
Dynamics of Complex Polymer Layers, Dr. M. Schönhoff
Multifunctional Polymeric Micro- and Nanosized Capsules, Dr. G. Sukhorukov
Solid Interfaces
Nucleation, Interfacial Molecular Ordering and Wetting Behavior of Alkanes at Solid/Vapor Interfaces, Dr. H. Riegler
International Joint Laboratory
Assembly of Complex and Biomimetic Materials, Prof. J. Li
Research Group Nanotechnology for Life Science
A Co-operation between the MPl of Colloids and Interfaces and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research, Dr. A. Thünemann
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Kapitel 4
Research in the Theory Department
Wetting Phenomena at Structured Surfaces, Prof. R. Lipowsky
Wetting Transitions of Hydrocarbons on Water, Dr. W. Fenzl
Mesoscopic Simulations of Biomimetic Membranes, Dr. J. Shillcock
Giant Vesicles - Helping us to Understand Biological Membranes, Dr. R. Dimova
New Membrane Physics with Polymersomes, Dr. H.-G. Döbereiner
Emmy Noether Junior Research Group, Dr. U. Schwarz
Adhesion Behavior of Vesicles at Finite Temperatures, Dr. T. Gruhn
Membrane Adhesion, Dr. T. Weikl
Protein Folding Kinetics, Dr. T. Weikl
Polyelectrolytes, Dr. C. Seidel
Semiflexible Polymers and Filaments, Dr. J. Kierfeld
Molecular Motors and Active Systems, Prof. R. Lipowsky
Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology, Dr. A. Valleriani
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Kapitel 5
Research in the Department of Biomaterials, Prof. P. Fratzl
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Kapitel 6
Wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen
Wissenschaftliche Abschlüsse und Preise
Wissenschaftlche Veröffentlichungen und Patente