Content Report 07/08
Chapter 1
The Institute in Numbers
The Research Program of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPI-CI)
Scientific Relations
International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Biomimetic Systems
Press- and Public Relations
Kapitel 1 [2900 KB]
Chapter 2
Research in the Department of Biomaterials, Prof. P. Fratzl
Biological Materials
Bone Material Quality and Osteoporosis, Prof. P. Fratzl, Dr. A. Mašić
Hierarchical Connective Tissues, Dr. H. S. Gupta
Bone Regeneration, Dr. I. Manjubala
Mechanobiology, Dr. R. Weinkamer
Biological and Biomimetic Materials
Plant Biomechanics and Biomimetics, Dr. I. Burgert
Molecular Biomimetics and Magnet Biomineralization, Dr. D. Faivre
From Microstructure to Mechanical Function, Prof. P. Fratzl, Dr. J. Dunlop, Dr. P. Zaslansky,
Dr. N. Gierlinger
Bio-Inspired Materials
Biogenic Minerals and Bio-Inspired Nano-Composites, Dr. B. Aichmayer
Mesoscale Materials and Synchrotron Research, Dr. O. Paris
Chapter 3
Research in the Department of Colloid Chemistry, Prof. M. Antonietti
Heterophase Polymerization
Polymer Dispersions/Heterophase Polymerizations, Dr. K. Tauer
Biomimetic Mineralization and Crystal Growth Control
Bio-Inspired Mineralization, Dr. H. Cölfen
Chimera Polymers and Novel Polymerization Techniques
Polymer-Bioconjugates as Macromolecular LEGO® - Bricks, Dr. H. Börner
Bioinspired Polymers and Colloids, Dr. H. Schlaad
Modern Techniques of Colloid Analysis
Fractionating Colloid Analytics, Dr. H. Cölfen
Electron Microscopic Studies of Colloidal Systems and Biomaterials, Dr. J. Hartmann
Materials for Energy Applications
From Hard to Soft Porous Frameworks, Dr. A. Thomas
Hydrothermal Carbon Nanostructures and Coatings
Sustainable Functional Nanostructured Materials, Dr. M. M. Titirici
De Novo Nanoparticles
De Novo Nanoparticles: Novel Synthetic Routes for Nanoparticle Production, Dr. C. Giordano
International Joint Laboratory
Artificial Photosynthesis, Prof. X. C. Wang
Chapter 4
Research in the Department of Interfaces, Prof. H. Möhwald
(Quasi) Planar Interfaces – Fluid Interfaces
Langmuir Monolayers as Model Systems to Study Interactions at Interfaces, Dr. G. Brezesinski
Thin Soft Films, Dr. R. Krastev
Replacement of Proteins by Surfactants from Adsorbed Interfacial Layers, Dr. R. Miller
Ion Distribution at Interfaces, Dr. H. Motschmann
Solid Interfaces
Phase Transitions, Nucleation and Transport Phenomena at Solid/Air Interfaces, Dr. H. Riegler
Non-Planar Materials
From Molecular Modules to Modular Materials, Dr. D. G. Kurth
Active Interfaces and Coatings, Dr. D. Shchukin
Non-Planar Interfaces
Nanotechnology for Bio-Applications, Dr. A. G. Skirtach
Ordering of Functional Nanoparticles, Dr. D. Wang
International Joint Laboratory
Molecular Assemblies of Biomimetic Systems and Nanostructured Design, Prof. J. Li
MPI-NIMS International Joint Laboratory
Supramolecular Materializations, Dr. T. Nakanishi
Chapter 5
Research in the Theory & Bio-Systems Department, Prof. R. Lipowsky
Polymers and Proteins
Polypeptides: Amyloid Formers and Molecular Motors, Dr. V. Knecht
Protein Folding and Function, Dr. T. Weikl
Weak Polyelectrolytes in Poor Solvents, Dr. C. Seidel
Molecular Motors
Motor Cycles and Operation Modes of Kinesin, Dr. S. Liepelt
Cooperative Transport by Molecular Motors, Dr. M. J.I. Müller
Membranes and Vesicles
Morphologies of Vesicles Loaded with Aqueous Polymer Solution, Dr. R. Dimova
Morphological Transitions of Vesicles in AC Electric Fields, Dr. R. Dimova
Lipid Flow Patterns in Vesicles, Dr. R. Dimova
Membranes and Nonpolar Surfaces, Dr. V. Knecht
Tension Induced Membrane Fusion, A. Grafmüller
Membrane Adhesion, Dr. T. Weikl
Networks in Bio-Systems
Life Cycle of Chlamy Cells, Dr. A. Valleriani
Chapter 6
Research in the Department of Biomolecular Systems, Prof. P. H. Seeberger
Chapter 7
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