Newsletter February 2019

Your Library—More Than Just Books

Online Access Elsevier

Online Access Elsevier

The Max Planck Society has discontinued their Elsevier susbcription to online access of articles from 2019 onwards. For more information check here:
We do have access to articles until end of 2018.
The Library is happy to help you with access to any new article, just let us know.
And: Please, do send us your ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT a.s.a.p. of all the articles you publish(ed), especially those published in an Elsevier Journal.
New in Our Digital Book Resource

New in Our Digital Book Resource

•  Cölfen, H. and M. Antonietti: Mesocrystals and Nonclassic Crystallization
•  Gabius, Hans-Joachim: Sugar Code
•  Berg, Jeremy M.: Biochemistry
You are welcome to come to the library and read or download (10% per sitting) our digitized books; for a list check here: Intranet → library or Ask your librarian.
"Publishing" On Homepage

"Publishing" On Homepage

Writing your paper or thesis you might need help on Re-Use Policies, you are looking for links to Universities? Or you are wondering, whether the journal that offers to publish your paper is reliable?
Check the new pages on our homepage. We might have found the answer and are displaying it there.
You have further questions? Ask your librarian.
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