Open Access at the Max Planck Society

Financed by the national government and federal states, the Max Planck Society engages in basic research in the public interest. Making its scientists’ research findings available for the benefit of the whole of humanity, free of charge ... (Open Access), is a key aspiration of the society. from: Open Access Policy der MPG

The Green route to Open Access - article is freely available before, alongside or after its publication


  • The author publishes the preprint of the paper on a preprintserver, e.g. arXive.

  • Publication of the accepted manuscript - after thorough assessment of the implications by the library - on the repository of the Max Planck Society PuRe

  • Secondary publication: The author deposits the accepted manuscript version of their article in the MPG repository via the library of their Institute. Since 2014 German copyright law has allowed authors of research publications at non-university research institutes to re-publish their papers 12 months after the original publication in a manuscript format. This right cannot be rescinded by any publishing agreement.

The Gold route to Open Access - article is freely available immediately upon publication


  • Open Access Gold journals. The author chooses to publish in an prestigious, peer reviewed Journal that publishes open access only. Publication fees may arise.

  • Open Access with central APC payment. The author chooses to publish in one of the journals where Max Planck authors can publish Open Access free of charge because the Article Processing Charges (APCs) are covered by central funds.

  • Further options: ASK YOUR LIBRARIAN

Special Read & Publish agreements:


With many publishers, Max Planck Corresponding Authors can publish Open Access free of charge because the article processing charges (APCs) are covered by central funds.

Be sure to use your email address.

Check carefully:
1. is the article type listed as eligible on the publisher's website?
2. is the journal on the list of supported journals? Some publishers only accept hybrid journals.

Ask your librarian.

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