Your Library - More Than Just Books

New York Times

International New York Times

We are now subscribing to a print version of the International New York Times.
You will find the newest issue in the hall in front of the library.


Publication Repository of the MPS

MPG.Pure holds bibliographic cata and numerous fulltexts of our researchers' publications - once entered into the repository by the library staff.
Most of our literature lists on the hompage are created from this data. Therefore:

Help us to always be up to date: Supply us with information on your newest publications, please.

digital book resource

Digital Book Resource

The latest four books we digitalized are:

  • Günzler, Helmut: IR-Spektroskopie, eine Einführung (in German)
  • Rubinstein, Michael: Polymer Physics
  • Lundblad, Roger L.: Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Bard, Allen J.: Electrochemical Methods

While these digital versions are not available online for us, you can access them from our Digital Book Resource, a PC in our library.
You can also transfer them from the PC to a USB stick.

By now there are 40 books available for download.

Zur Redakteursansicht