Your Library - More Than Just Books

Faciliated Loan of Books

Borrowing books from the library has become simpler:
1. Take the book from the shelf
2. Fill in a loan slip and drop it into the box “loan” (next to the computer)
3. Enjoy the book
4. Return the book by leaving it on our “return book trolley”


Stock Taking

This year’s inventory has left us with 34 missing books and 15 recovered books, which is all in all very nice.
Thanks for your support!

book swap

New Encyclopedias in our Library

We recently acquired three brand-new Encyclopedias.
Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology (3 Volumes):
  Over 400 articles on the given topic, arranged alphabetically
Encyclopedia of Cell Biology (4 Volumes):
  Each volume covers another aspect of the given topic
Encyclopedia of Immunobiology (5 Volumes):
  Each volume covers a new and different aspect (different from older encyclopedias with the
  same name) of the given topic

Zur Redakteursansicht