Glykan-gerichtete Therapeutika

Publikationen von H. M. Strauss

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Hennig, S.; Strauss, H. M.; Vanselow, K.; Yildiz, O.; Schulze, S.; Arens, J.; Kramer, A.; Wolf, E.: Structural and functional analyses of PAS domain interactions of the clock proteins Drosophila PERIOD and mouse PERIOD2. PLoS Biology 7 (4), e1000094, S. 836 - 853 (2009)
Akepati, V. R.; Müller, E. C.; Otto, A.; Strauss, H. M.; Portwich, M.; Alexander, C.: Characterization of OPA1 isoforms isolated from mouse tissues. Journal of Neurochemistry 106 (1), S. 372 - 383 (2008)
Strauss, H. M.; Karabudak, E.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Kretzschmar, A.; Wohlleben, W.; Cölfen, H.: Performance of a fast fiber based UV/Vis multiwavelength detector for the analytical ultracentrifuge. Colloid and Polymer Science 286 (2), S. 121 - 128 (2008)
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