Inhalt Zweijahresbericht 03/04

Kapitel 1

Das Forschungsprogramm des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung (MPIKG)
Wissenschaftliche Beziehungen
International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Biomimetic Systems
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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Kapitel 2

Research in the Department of Biomaterials, Prof. P. Fratzl

Biological Materials
Calcified Tissue Structure and Mechanics, Dr. H. S. Gupta
Bone and Mineral Research, Prof. P. Fratzl
Mechanobiology and Pattern Formation, Dr. R. Weinkamer
Plant Biomechanics – Structure-Function Relationships at the Micro- and Nanoscale, Dr. I. Burgert

Biomimetic Materials
Biotemplating, Dr. O. Paris
Biomimetic Materials, Prof. P. Fratzl

Synchrotron Research
Synchrotron Beamline at BESSY, Dr. O. Paris

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Kapitel 3

Research in the Department of Colloid Chemistry, Prof. M. Antonietti

Heterophase Polymerization
Heterophase Polymerizations – Polymer Dispersions, Dr. K. Tauer

Mesostructured Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials
Biomimetic Mineralization, Dr. H. Cölfen
Functional Mesostructured Inorganic-Organic Materials – Advanced X-ray Scattering Methods, Dr. B. Smarsly

Polyelectrolytes and their Complexes
Nanostructured Materials by Ionic Self-Assembly: Function and Switchability, Dr. C. F. J. Faul

Amphiphilic Polymers
Bioorganic - Synthetic Hybrid Polymers as Molecular LEGO® - Bricks, Dr. H. Börner
Amphiphilic Block Copolymers, Dr. H. Schlaad

Synthesis and Assembly of Nanoparticles
Synthesis, Functionalization, Assembly and Application of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles, Dr. M. Niederberger

Modern Techniques of Colloid Analysis
Fractionating Colloid Analysis, Dr. H. Cölfen
Electron Microscopic Studies of Colloidal Systems and Biomaterials, Dr. J. Hartmann
Multi Angle Laser Light Scattering in Dependence on Time, Dr. G. Rother
Modern Methods of Light Scattering, Dr. R. Sigel

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Kapitel 4

Research in the Department of Interfaces, Prof. H. Möhwald

(Quasi) Planar Interfaces – Fluid Interfaces
Interactions in Complex Monolayers, Dr. G. Brezesinski
Thin Liquid Films, Dr. R. v. Klitzing
Thermodynamics of Thin Layers, Dr. R. Krastev, Dr. H.-J. Müller
Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Dilational Rheology of Interfacial Layers, Dr. R. Miller
Molecular Organization in Soluble Monolayers and Functional Films, Dr. H. Motschmann
Rheological Properties of Fluid Interfaces, Dr. K.-D. Wantke

Solid Interfaces
Nucleation, Interfacial Molecular Mobility and Ordering of Alkanes at Solid/Vapor Interfaces, Dr. H. Riegler

Non-Planar Interfaces
Nanoscale Membranes: Adhesion and Mechanics, Dr. A. Fery
Modular Materials: From Dynamic to Nanotechnological Devices, Dr. D. G. Kurth
Bioinspired Control of Electrical and Optical Properties of Interfaces, Prof. H. Möhwald
Multifunctional Polyelectrolyte-based Micro- and Nanocapsules, Dr. G. Sukhorukov
Ordering of Functional Nanoparticles, Dr. D. Wang

International Joint Laboratory
Molecular Assembly of Biomimetic Systems, Prof. J. Li

Research Group Nanotechnology for Life Science
A Cooperation between the MPI of Colloids and Interfaces and the Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Polymer Research, Dr. Jean-Francois Lutz

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Kapitel 5

Research in the Theory Department, Prof. R. Lipowsky

Interfaces and Wetting
Wetting Morphologies at Structured Surfaces, Prof. R. Lipowsky

Membranes and Vesicles
Mesoscopic Simulations of Complex Nanostructures and Processes, Dr. J. C. Shillcock
Properties of Thermally Fluctuating Vesicles, Dr. T. Gruhn
Effect of Electric Fields on Model Membranes; "Squaring" the Vesicle, Dr. R. Dimova
Thermal Fluctuations and Elasticity of Lipid Membranes, Dr. W. Fenzl
Membrane Adhesion, Dr. T. Weikl
Mastering Membrane Fusion, Dr. R. Dimova

Polymers and Filaments
Free and Tethered Polyelectrolytes, Dr. C. Seidel
Structure Formation in Systems of Mesoscopic Rods, Dr. T. Gruhn
The Elasticity of Silk, Dr. H. Zhou
Semiflexible Polymers and Filaments, Dr. J. Kierfeld

Molecular Motors
Traffic of Molecular Motors, Dr. S. Klumpp

Biological Systems
Protein Folding, Dr. T. Weikl
Cellular Adhesion Clusters under Force, Dr. U. Schwarz (Emmy Noether Junior Research Group)
Evolution in Stochastic Environments, Dr. A. Valleriani

Interdepartmental Activities
Ions Interacting with Membranes and Polymers and in-between Comes Water, Dr. R. Dimova
Advanced Confocal Microscopy, Dr. R. Dimova

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Kapitel 6

Ausgewählte Veranstaltungen
Wissenschaftliche Abschlüsse
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen und Patente

Kapitel 6 [247 KB]

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