Writing a Paper
Please always use this adress in your paper:
Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Potsdam Science Park
Am Mühlenberg 1
14476 Potsdam
By the way, Scopus provided us with a list of 522 different ways how our insitute was named in papers. It will simplify matters if everybody uses the same.
Publishing in Open Access Journals
Is the Journal I want to submit my paper to trustworthy?
Your are submitting?
- Please check, whether open access is paid centrally, here: APC Journal List .
- If asked: You, the author, owns the copy right of the article, not the institute. You own it, until you have given it away to the publisher.
- You are asked which licence to grant publishing open access? Please always use "cc by", if possible.
- Please send the reviewed PDF you are submitting also to your library biblio(at)mpikg.mpg.de.
You submitted?
- Please let the library know and send us your accepted manuscript (peer-reviewed but without journal layout) if you haven't done so already, so that we can
- enter your paper into our repository (it will appear on the institute's publications list as well as on your personal publication list)
- publish your paper electronically open access as secondary publication - as soon as we/you are legally allowed to.
- Please let the library know and send us your accepted manuscript (peer-reviewed but without journal layout) if you haven't done so already, so that we can