Writing a Paper

                        Please always use this adress in your paper:

                                Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
                                Potsdam Science Park
                                Am Mühlenberg 1
                                14476 Potsdam


By the way, Scopus provided us with a list of 522 different ways how our insitute was named in papers. It will simplify matters if everybody uses the same.

  1. Publishing in Open Access Journals

    1. DOAJ  List of Gold Open Access Journals - all articles are published open access
    2. List  of Journals in which MPG authors can publish open access free of charge - APCs are covered centrally.
    3. List of frequently cited OA Journals
    4. Ask your library if you want to publish open access without having to pay APCs
  1. Is the Journal I want to submit my paper to trustworthy?

    1. Checklist
    2. Beall's list of predatory journals - careful, not all journals in this list are really supporting fake science.
    3. Ask your library, we are happy to look into and check your prefered journal.
  2. Your are submitting?

    1. Please check, whether open access is paid centrally, here: APC Journal List .
    2. If asked: You, the author, owns the copy right of the article, not the institute. You own it, until you have given it away to the publisher.
    3. You are asked which licence to grant publishing open access? Please always use "cc by", if possible.
    4. Please send the reviewed PDF you are submitting also to your library  biblio(at)mpikg.mpg.de.
  3. You submitted?

    1. Please let the library know and send us your accepted manuscript (peer-reviewed but without journal layout) if you haven't done so already, so that we can
      • enter your paper into our repository (it will appear on the institute's publications list as well as on your personal publication list)
      • publish your paper electronically open access as secondary publication - as soon as we/you are legally allowed to.

  Contact the library

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