Publikationen von Zihan Song

Zeitschriftenartikel (7)

Eren, E.; Esen, C.; Scoppola, E.; Song, Z.; Senokos, E.; Zschiesche, H.; Cruz, D.; Lauermann, I.; Tarakina, N. V.; Kumru, B. et al.; Antonietti, M.; Giusto, P.: Microporous sulfur–carbon materials with extended sodium storage window. Advanced Science 11 (16), 2310196 (2024)
Li, C.; Song, Z.; Liu, M.; Lepre, E.; Antonietti, M.; Zhu, J.; Liu, J.; Fu, Y.; Lopez Salas, N.: Template-induced graphitic nanodomains in nitrogen-doped carbons enable high-performance sodium-ion capacitors. Energy & Environmental Materials: EEM 7 (4), e12695 (2024)
Song, Z.; Hou, J.; Raguin, E.; Pedersen, A.; Eren, E.; Senokos, E.; Tarakina, N. V.; Giusto, P.; Antonietti, M.: Triazine-based graphitic carbon nitride thin film as a homogeneous interphase for lithium storage. ACS Nano 18 (3), S. 2066 - 2076 (2024)
Eren, E.; Senokos, E.; Song, Z.; Yılmaz, E. B.; Shekova, I.; Badamdorj, B.; Lauermann, I.; Tarakina, N. V.; Al-Naji, M.; Antonietti, M. et al.; Giusto, P.: Conformal carbon nitride thin film inter-active interphase heterojunction with sustainable carbon enhancing sodium storage performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11 (3), S. 1739 - 1446 (2023)
Hou, J.; Song, Z.; Odziomek, M.; Tarakina, N. V.: Probing sodium storage mechanism in hollow carbon nanospheres using liquid phase transmission electron microscopy. Small, 2301415 (2023)
Tan, W.; Liang, B.; Chen, M.; Song, Z.; Yi, M.; Hu, J.; Zeng, K.; Yang, G.: Bio-based adenine-derived polyimide as a dual-functional binder for the silicon anode in lithium-ion batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials 6 (20), S. 10723 - 10733 (2023)
Chen, G.; Savateev, A.; Song, Z.; Wu, H.; Markushyna, Y.; Zhang, L.; Wang, H.; Antonietti, M.: Saving the energy loss in lithium-mediated nitrogen fixation by using highly reactive Li3N intermediate for C–N coupling reactions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (27), e202203170 (2022)
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